birthday + belated thanks to half of the fl + news + dark tower movies, woe is me + writing

Jan 19, 2011 22:40

1. First thing, happy birthday to wandersfound! :DDD I hope you're having an awesome time on this side of the ocean and that the next year is the most amazing ever ♥ ♥ ♥ and I have stuff for you in the works but look for it either tomorrow or the day after, I sucked at organizing time as usual. ♥

2. Personal news (ooh! .... not really): number one, I took up yoga again (was high time I did it) and damn I needed to do other exercising that isn't walking. Number two, I have a German course starting tomorrow. Be ready for me headdesking for the next months and sending PMs for all you German people in my FL for grammar advice. XD (Okay no I won't stalk you for THAT, really, but the occasional help request might happen.) Still, I need to do it at some point and I can't do another degree without at least reading it.

3. Late thanks are late: Christmas cards! Er. Sorry, really, I never really managed to do a proper post and then I got sidetracked a bunch of times and uh, I hope it's okay if I thank everyone whose card I got at once? (I'm going in the order they're piled up so totally random.) Okay, so, thanks so very much to: elise_609 (btw, I'd love more Ian than I can handle XD), sapphire_child, polvodestrella, invisiblelove (OMG THAT DRABBLE WAS EVERYTHING I WANTED), ladymacbeth77 (ILU and damn I think yours must have gotten lost somewhere in the Italian service..), gottalovev (the card is so pretty! <3), bachlava (wow that card is so pretty indeed! and same to you XD), hitlikehammers (OMG PEANUTS!!!!), itsjustc, crickets (OMG TEA! THANKS! <3), jaydblu (stay awesome as well!), cassiopeia7, eponine119, elvisglasses5 (OMG OMG THE HAT! I LOVE YOUR SKILLS XDDDDD <3), sevvy23 (awww you're too nice to me, and <3333333333333 all the way), soundoftrees, haldoor (omg your cards are always amazing. And <3333), zelda_zee and space_dementia6 (university is still dumb sadly, but thanks for the support <33).

Phew. Okay, regarding that, sorry for being so late. Really. That said: if you sent me a card and I didn't say thanks, it didn't get here yet. BUT, postal service is being more crap than usual lately and it took almost a month for them to get here stuff from England which at times got here in five days, so if I didn't get it I probably will in the next week. If you left me your address and didn't get one, high chances are that you can still blame my postal service. I found out a couple I was sure I had sent and that I hadn't *facepalm* so I'll take care of that tomorrow, but apart from that I just hope nothing got lost. And ♥ to you all again because I loved each single one of them. ♥

4. I signed up for spn_j2_bigbang AGAIN. Except that I really don't know what I should do for it (last year I did). I'm contemplating doing the regency Dean/Cas AU I had in program for the au_bingo card but that I'm sure would need at least 40000 words and I doubt I can get that and the rest done by February which is the deadline, but idk if I get a better idea I might see. Also ha lol I still haven't started anything for apocabigbang. I'm not that worried because I have a 12000-to-edit apocafic that I haven't gotten around to post which I can still use if I don't manage to decide myself before the deadline, but still, go me really. (PS: anyone who watches SPN and has read The Stand who'd want to do some brainstorming? I wanted to do a crossover but I'm undecided.)

5. Golden Globes thoughts: the only movie that was released here of the ones running was The Social Network, which I haven't seen, therefore I have no serious thoughts. But damn Colin Firth's Italian is excellent. Does he want to have a conversation with me?

6. TV: I'm catching up with Leverage which I'm loving, but as I'm in mid-S2 I'll just do a post for everything when I'm done with S3. Also, I was the latest one to the party to watch BBC!Sherlock, about which I probably have thoughts to share but I don't want to burden this post, so maybe I'll do it along with Leverage. For now I can just say that the law of 'the character Janie likes can never be the main one' strikes again because the one I'm most invested with is Lestrade. Er. Well he's Rupert Graves, dammit, I've been fangirling him since I was sixteen! (and he aged so well. Mm.) Anyway will probably do a serious post later this month. But anyway, if anyone in the fl except for thandie has some Sherlock/Lestrade recs, uhm, pretty please do want? ;)

7. Hereafter wasn't Clint's best movie ever but was pretty great (and I didn't realize I still have a half-crush on Matt Damon but apparently I do). Also, good news is I caught it in English. Bad news is that of the two cinemas in this city that gave original language movies, the biggest one has closed. I foresee that I'll spend a lot less money on cinema tickets from now on. *mourns* Also I want to see The King's Speech like burning, but since in the Italian trailer dubbed!Colin Firth doesn't stutter (really. He sounds more like an hysteric, not like someone who's stuttering or has speech problems anyway) I fear that if they don't get it at the one cinema left I'll have to resort to illegal meanings. *hates dubbing*

8. Of all the news re the Dark Tower movies, brief thoughts: one (Naomie Harris for Susannah) is good if it happens, one (either Viggo Mortensen or Javier Bardem for Roland) is awesome if it the first option happens and despicable if it doesn't, the latter (just three movies and the last tv series) is imo disastrous. Also I'm starting to think that given the lack of active DT comms or comms for DT fanfiction only I should open one myself, but then I don't because idk if it'll be just me and another five people or if it'd actually have a chance. DT people, thoughts? *looks around*

9. Okay, that was probably very long, so I'll go finish other stuff and catch up with comments. ♥

tv shows, personal, dark tower, flist ilu, writing, birthday, stuff, i am way crazy, movie recs, why yes i'm whining

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