fic, stonehenge apocalypse/rps: the one where a great friendship... (Jacob, Misha), G

Jan 16, 2011 15:52

Yes, I wrote Stonehenge Apocalypse fic among the rest. I'm still not over wondering how it happened, but I own up to my things.

Title: the one where a great friendship starts because of dill pickles
Characters: Jacob Glaser, Misha Collins.
Word count: around 2500.
Warnings: crack, half rps, crack.
Summary: where Jacob survived the explosion and ends up meeting his double at the supermarket because they both want the last jar of dill pickles.
A/N: originally written for faurefowl at santapocalypse; my prompt was Misha and Jacob meet and become friends. Pickles are involved somehow. It’s kind of crack without any redeeming value or pretense to be even remotely realistic. Don't ask me where it came from because I have no idea and I don't even write RPS, but it was fun.

character: jacob glaser, fic:stonehenge apocalypse, character: misha collins, fanfiction:rps

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