BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN! + other stuff

Nov 02, 2010 19:28

1. Rome Film Festival: mission semi-accomplished. Meaning: both movies were awesome, trying to catch Bruce was not accomplished. But, more in detail:

a) The People vs George Lucas is a blast! Okay, if you're not into Star Wars at all and you aren't interested in sociology/anthropology, then you probably would die of boredom, but it was a pretty ( Read more... )

bruce springsteen, janie's flaily fangirling, the random post, personal, picspam, writing, stuff, i am way crazy, movie recs, dean/castiel will be the death of me

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Comments 17

sevvy23 November 2 2010, 18:49:08 UTC
1) I totally got to see The People vs George Lucas, it really does sound awsome!!
2) I can count on one hand the number of time i went to an event well organised... we'll need to do something about it too when we'll make the fusion between France and Italia :)
3) I'm sorry for your camera issues,that sucks :((( but at least you got your head full of memories... hey, you were in the same room than Bruce!!!!
4) That's cruel, but i kinda like your dad's sens of humor, lol!!
And finally, I'll never say this too much... DEAN IS SOOOOOO BEATRIX!!!!!!!!!!!!!


janie_tangerine November 2 2010, 18:56:38 UTC
1) Do watch it! It's hilarious. And awesome. And also gives you a couple of shots where you see Han Solo's backside. ;)

2) Yeah. Strangely the only organized event I took part into was the SPN convention. Which was held in Italy. I'll never not be surprised that it was well organized, considering where we are.

3) It was close to dying but this round it just broke. Ah well, I managed to use it wisely. And hell yes I was! Okay, well, I've been to some concerts of his but the same room isn't the same stadium. XDD

4) My dad's sense of humor also consists in saying, before he goes off somewhere for two days, 'if Obama calls tell him I'm calling him back sometime soon'. I think I should explain Misha to him at times. STILL THAT WAS CRUEL. *bawls*



whatsername_05 November 2 2010, 20:04:20 UTC
The People vs. George Lucas is something I would love to see. As a huge Star Wars fan, even though I thought the prequels were sort of, somewhat OK in a "YAY Ewan McGregor" kind of way, they really did lack the creativity and special feel that the originals had. They could have been so much better.


janie_tangerine November 2 2010, 20:27:25 UTC
I think that the only reason I bothered to see the third which wasn't 'well, I saw the other five, I might as well watch the 6th' was that Ewan was in there. And he was pretty much the only part of the second which I enjoyed. And... the rest I could forget. :/ I lovelovelove the original three but yeah, the prequels were just... they didn't work. (Also tbh I liked that the first three weren't ALL special effects, but then again if they shot them today it'd have been all cgi, so.)


whatsername_05 November 2 2010, 20:40:50 UTC
Yeah the second one pretty much made me want to claw my face off and run screaming from the theater. I mean, romping in a field for chrisakes???

Although I will say I saw a different cut at the IMAX theater, and it actually worked much better than the first. They stopped trying to make it a love story. It just..worked better. Still not great though.

I think if they had concentrated more on the stories, then worried about the special effects they films would have been great. instead they spent all their time concentrating on the special effects, then using those and saying "Oh well let's stick this in here, so we can do this."

Plus all the time they spent on Jar_Jar alone. I am glad that technology was developed, but really? They could have used that working up script.


janie_tangerine November 2 2010, 20:45:54 UTC
Oh God now that I remember it... HELL YES THE FIELD PLEASE GO AWAY. Also cgi!Yoda was... I spent all that movie thinking 'I WANT THE ORIGINAL NOT CGI YODA BACK THANKS SO MUCH'. The special effects just... took away from it, I agree. All the time I was there wondering what wasn't green screen except of the actors. Also I kinda thought that Hayden Christensen was totally miscast so basically I saw the prequels to drool on Ewan. And on Liam Neeson in the first. (Which is the reason I still think it's the best one. I mean, okay, it had Jar Jar which, PLEASE NOT, but: it had Ewan, it had Liam, I didn't spend it thinking that Anakin was annoying. It's more than the other two.)

But yeah, in a nutshell they should have worried more about the story and less about the cgi. -nod- Also well. The lack of Han Solo was enough to automatically make them worse. ;)


ozmissage November 2 2010, 21:08:56 UTC
The festival sounds awesome! :)

I haven't even seen the Kill Bill movies but that's still awesome. That's what the quote from your last graphic was from too? I meant to ask, but then I got distracted writing ficlets this weekend. It fit Dean so perfectly, especially in light of his confession in the last ep. Very cool.


janie_tangerine November 2 2010, 21:22:28 UTC
It is! :DDD

Yes, that other graphic is from Kill Bill as well. And the second movie starts with Uma Thurman breaking out of a buried coffin. I have my reason for drawing parallels... ;) but yeah, Dean totally fits that. And those movies are so good really.


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janie_tangerine November 3 2010, 09:44:28 UTC
Bruce is awesome. <333333 and I did, thanks! And DO SIGN UP, if before the 7th you haven't I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN. ;) ;)

It was excellent! :D


invisiblelove November 3 2010, 04:24:28 UTC
it was refreshing to hear a bunch of fans saying that the SW prequels suck.
*GAAAAASP* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO lol I love Ewan McGregor enough so rabidly that it actually makes me enjoy the prequels more ;)

Sooooo glad you got to see Bruce! But hey, you are TOTES a notable fan! *shakes finger at the people in charge*


janie_tangerine November 3 2010, 08:56:48 UTC
Well, Ewan is the reason I didn't quit the prequels after watching one of them so XDDD but in comparison to the originals they just don't work. (Also well, I thought Hayden Christensen was utterly miscast so I basically spent two and three groaning and being like WHERE'S EWAN PLEASE DO WANT.) Also I just can't do the cgi!Yoda. XD

Hey, I did! And <3333 ;) I think I AM notable, he just doesn't know it. And the organization doesn't either. ;)


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