... oh dear why do I keep on liking this so much.
1. Okay, only thing I didn't appreciate: WHERE'S ALARIIIC. ;____; I NEED SOME. LIKE NOW. AND DAMON DOES TOO.
2. Phew, vamp!Caroline ROCKS. I totally loved when she pwned Damon, lolol. And she's badass! And she still has feelings! And she and Matt are so lovely! Okay, I def. like Caroline now. <333
3. Matt speaking, lol, does he even know that he's the only human one of the gang along with Elena? Okay, Bonnie is too in theory but she's a witch so she isn't exactly y'know, NORMAL. Poor guy. Okay, fine, Jeremy is too but he dated a vampire and he knew it.
4. Tyler's uncle: UNF. Stick around, please.
5. Damon and Jeremy being sharing and caring about daddy issues after Jeremy tries to kill him = yesplease I appreciate.
6. LOL also at Damon and Stefan being like WEREWOLVES? THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE. People. You're vampires. Come on. xD
7. Okay, I hope no one kills me for this, but I still like Bonnie. Okay, it wasn't Damon's fault, but hell, poor girl has all the reasons not to trust him and she wasn't acting rational, so good thing for Damon that Elena was around.
8. Also I liked Stefan being all 'OKAY CAROLINE, LET'S TAKE SOME ALCOHOLICS VAMPIRES ANONYMOUS LESSONS, YOU BREATHE AND YOU DO-NOT-KILL'. Lol, I'm sure he can't believe he can go all like that on someone. XDDD
9. Also ohdear I'm a sap. I mean, I'm not really invested in any triangle ship, but the ending made me go all ;_____; <3333333 and it was like the sappiest thing Stefan ever sapped in two seasons. WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME. Still. Hell, they're cute. /o\
10. DAMON ILU AND THE FACT THAT YOU BARE YOUR HEART TO JEREMY. XDDDD Also I wouldn't have wanted to be him in the end though. I want someone writing fic where he shows up on Alaric's door with burns all over. XD
11. Tyler imo is behaving like an idiot because it's obv. that his uncle knows wtf is going on and he isn't trying to force shit out of him but whatever. He still needs to make out with Jeremy.
12. The whole arm wrestling part was delicious though. I like, show. Fanservice, bring it on.
13. In conclusion, it wasn't as good as the first and it needs moar Alaric, but I do like. A lot. And next week's preview = DO WANT NOW. Mm. Vporn, keep on exceeding my expectations forever.
And now I need to go studying and do stuff, so byeee? ;)