fic, SPN: Faraway, So Close (Dean/Castiel), light R, for deancasbigbang

Aug 26, 2010 11:31

Title: Faraway, So Close
Author: janie_tangerine
Artist: _izu_
Fandom/Genre: Supernatural/AU romance
Pairing (s)/Characters: Dean/Castiel, Sam, Anna, sort-of-surprise!AU!JDM
Rating: light R to be overly sure
Word Count: 17800
Warnings: sort of stream-of-consciousness bits, based on a mostly plotless movie. I don’t think there’s anything triggering that happens.
Summary: the one where angels (in this case, Castiel and Anna) just observe people, see in black and white and are invisible to humanity, Castiel is starting to get tired of it and, after he stumbles into a certain Dean Winchester, becoming human starts to become more than an appalling idea, until he might finally act on it.
Disclaimer: Supernatural is most definitely not mine (I wish), Wings Of Desire is still Wim Wenders's and Jeffrey Dean Morgan most definitely doesn't belong to me. (And that's the one I'm most upset about.)
A/N: written for deancasbigbang, for the mini-bang challenge. AU based on Wings Of Desire, even though the title is stolen from the sequel and it’s set in the US instead of Berlin. (Note: this isn’t in any way based on City Of Angels, which was a remake of the movie I’m basing this on, too. Any similarities with that other one are purely coincidental.) Further notes/thanks are linked below. :)

Part I | Part II | Part III

full A/N and thanks | Art post | PDF

character: jeffrey dean morgan, character: sam winchester, character: castiel, character: anna milton, character: dean winchester, fanfiction:supernatural, fic:deancasbigbang, pairing: dean/castiel

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