huge post of RANDOM. Also, postcards!

Jul 22, 2010 00:54

1. Most important thing first: I have my Edinburgh tickets for the European Lost fangirl meeting!!! :D I'm so excited omg. Also I hope that Scotland is chilly because I need to get out of this goddamn heat where there are 32 degrees and I feel 38 right the fuck now. For a while, at least ( Read more... )

bruce springsteen, stephen king, the random post, writing, stuff, university, eventual european lost fangirl gathering, livejournal why so failing

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Comments 22

haldoor July 22 2010, 07:04:43 UTC
1. YAY!
2. yes please! Do you have my address?
3. Yay for JGL!
and for 5. I have a sticky note to add... any time you want more J/B fic *dangles rock band possibilities*


janie_tangerine July 23 2010, 21:15:41 UTC
2. Sure thing! I think I have it from the Christmas stuff, if I can't find it I'll shoot you a PM.
5. (Wait for me there, I might send you that stuff before I leave. Crossing fingers, but I should. ;) )


haldoor July 24 2010, 04:15:32 UTC
WOOHOO! Hanging around hopefully! ;-)


bold_seer July 22 2010, 12:38:41 UTC
Have fun in Edinburgh!!! And it really is a lovely place. :D

(About JGL - you have seen (500) Days of Summer, then/now?) Anyway, I've been taking the tram every day, and there are these ads for Inception sort of on the doors and I'm always like yay at that. It premieres here tomorrow. :P

Thesis. LALALALA. What's that?


janie_tangerine July 23 2010, 21:11:00 UTC
I can't wait to go!! :D

(It's on my list. I'll probably see it tomorrow. When it was out we didn't get it with subtitles and I just didn't want to see it dubbed. :/) And haaaa, yay for sneaky ads!! ;)

Eh? What? Idek what it means. ;)


(The comment has been removed)

janie_tangerine July 22 2010, 17:02:51 UTC
Ee, I kinda get that. Both Nolan's Batman movies totally left me not impressed except for some of the acting (especially Heath Ledger's in the second) and everyone gushes about them a lot. So I sort of get the whole thing. ;) But yeah, I'm going for JGL and if he's fantastic then that's enough for my ticket's worth. ;) ;)

Idk, I kind of like the idea that I have a list to choose from, but they totally screwed with communities' tags. Ew. ://

There actually was one in the US! I think it was last March or April, but us from Europe couldn't attend, so. ;) Maybe they'll do another soon! I'd have totally gone if traveling to the US wasn't so expensive, ew. And I'm so excited! ;D


gottalovev July 23 2010, 00:10:00 UTC
I wish I could go to the Edinburgh GFG... have tons of fun for me! hug each other for me, too!

I'd love a card, tell me if you need my addy =D

I love JGL and he's amazing in Inception. it sucks that you have to wait 2 months! but don't download it, you HAVE to see it first on a big screen. don't spoil yourself with a bad recording.


janie_tangerine July 23 2010, 21:12:55 UTC
Eee, we will! :D And thank you. I'm so excited to go!!

And I have your address. Duly noted! ;)

JGL is so good seriously. I love him. And yeah, it DOES suck. Mm, maybe in Edinburgh we could hit a cinema? I don't know but we shall see. ;) Also I hate watching downloaded stuff when it's coming out generally, so yeah, if I don't get the chance I'll probably end up waiting and that's it.


valhalla37 July 23 2010, 19:38:23 UTC
Oooooh Edinburgh! You guys are going to have so much fun! :D (I still regret, when I was in England, not making it up to Scotland.)

I started Under the Dome and then put it down again ... I'd definitely like to read it eventually, but it kind of always makes me think of that Simpsons episode with the dome, and then I lol, and well, it's hard to take a book seriosuly then. ;D

I've had a new ink catridge sitting next to my printer for ages. I hate technology, especially when you have to replace it.


janie_tangerine July 23 2010, 21:14:34 UTC
I so can't wait to go! :D also I'm sure Scotland is chillier than Italy. And atm I NEED chilly. Badly. ;)

... LOL OH DEAR. NOW I WON'T EVER BE ABLE TO READ IT!!! ;) Nah, well, if I bring it on a eight hour ferry ride I'll be forced to finish, right?

Yeah, technology replacing is suckage. But dammit, after three years without a functioning printer I just was about done with sending my uni receipts to my parents to print. ;)


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