1. First thing, HAAAI new friends from the
lostsquee friending meme! And also the SPN ones that I made in other ways. ;) I hope you will have a good time here! <3
2. Lost speaking, if you're in Lost fandom, the most awesome
haldoor is hosting a
Lost love meme ♥ which totally made my morning/day/afternoon and is just as awesome as usual, so go play if you haven't already! ♥ And I'm so excited for the luau starting tomorrow. :D [to people not here for Lost: next month will be full of Lost related stuff. Skip it if needed. ;)]
3. I seriously, seriously hope that no one reading this will ever be in a position that implies having to read Heidegger talking about Medieval philosophy. Way to unite my two worse nightmares. Also, that exam will be the death of me but I just need to think that after that it's another two and they're easy. Though damn, I wish I had taken this in the first year.
4. Anyway, on to more cheering things. Uh. That long-ass fic I wrote for
spn_j2_bigbang? It... uh. It
generated spontaneous art. Which is also freaking gorgeous. I swear when
_izu_ linked that to me I stared for a while being like no, I made it up in my head. WHAT. It never happens that people draw something because they like shit I write. It might have totally done my day yesterday. Now I feel like I should make myself an account on DA just to thank them personally because really.
5. That said, I promised
wandersfound that I'd upload some Stone Temple Pilots for her so there it is under the cut. Two records and random songs, all on mediafire because it was more convenient for me but I can put them somewhere else if needed.
Core: this is their first and I guess the one which has the most famous stuff. Also the one which is grunge-ier? Even though it was just that one that was grunge-ish, if you ask me. XD Anyway, a couple of examples (I didn't put Plush or Creep just because I figured they're the famous ones XD):
Dead And Bloated which is amazing if you ask me,
Sex Type Thing and
Where The River Goes.
N4: this is my favorite of theirs ever. Also it's the one where you can see how exactly versatile they are because they cover pretty much all of their influences. Also it has Atlanta which is a goddamn masterpiece. Have also
I Got You and
Sour Girl.
Random songs:
Vaseline: this and the following are all from Purple aka record #2 which is way more easy listening than the first which doesn't mean that isn't amazing. This is great even if live is better. Also, it's famous, so I figured I should pick at least one lol.
Still Remains: this one has lovely music but the lyrics are just so good. There's a reason I'll never dislike Scott Weiland.
Interstate Love Song: this is just gorgeous. Just. Gorgeous.
Pretty Penny: how to vary style inside the same record and do it beautifully, imo.
Big Empty: this one has sort of stalker-ish lyrics but the whole is just so good imo. Damn, I need to listen to this record now. XD
Tumble In The Rough: this & following are from record #3 aka Tiny Music. Which is more experimental and has freaking jazz stuff in some songs and it's, well, different but I love it, too. Also please note that Mr. Weiland can sing, comparing this to anything on Core. xD
Trippin' On A Hole In A Paper Heart: this is a great song altogether but just the title is worth it imo. ;)
And So I Know: this = proof that in this group they're all technically gifted.
Days Of The Week: this and following are from #5, aka Shangri-la-dee-da which is probably the one I've listened less because it had good songs but wasn't on par with the first four. Maybe because they were breaking up while recording it. This one is very catchy though.
Hello, It's Late: from the same record, this one is good too imo. It had another three-four which were definitely good songs (that I can remember at least) but I probably compare it with N4 and it's not a fair comparison. ;)
Cinnamon: these are all from the last record, or how STP do 60s music with a twist, which is fucking awesome. That said, this is such a lovely tune.
Hazy Daze: as per before: good lyrics, catchy song, and I like it. ;)
First Kiss On Mars: this has an awesome title, a lovely music and so really nice lyrics and idk just listening to it makes me happy.
Maver: I seriously want to gush forever about this. The lyrics are weird but good, the music is FANTASTIC and how they perform it, just... *loves*
Random shit:
Break On Through: Doors cover. Proof that Scott Weiland does a pretty good Jim Morrison impression.
Revolution: Beatles cover, just because I can.
Dancing Days: Zeppelin cover, just because I can.
Even more random shit, or a couple of Scott Weiland solo things:
Barbarella: now. Scott's first solo record is some of the weirdest stuff I ever got the pleasure to hear. It was a good record though, if you're in the mood for it. But a song that goes by 'and all the tangerines, they taste like jelly beans / it must be boring by now / grab a scale and guess the weight of it all / the pain I've given with my name / I'm a selfish piece of shit' needs to be shared.
Mockingbird Girl: even if that first solo record of his is bleak, this totally makes me happy. Also, live version because I like it better.
The Man I Didn't Know: or, a fucking fine piece of singing. The end.
Okay, that's it, lol. Enjoy!
6. Right now, I should be writing that pedagogy thing. Clearly I'm not doing that but I'll try to stop procrastinating after posting this. Whyyy do I even need to take that, whyy. /quits whining
7. Also, Misha Collins will be at jus in bello again next year! :D Guess who is going to get herself an early, early birthday present when they sell photo ops? *cough*
8. Aaand okay, this is probably all for now. Will try to write my pedagogy presentation while trying not to fall asleep over it and thinking it's for my own good. *repeats mantra*