First thing, obligatory thanks: to
_izu_ who did some seriously amazing art despite problematic circumstances and omg I love it so much, go check it out if you haven't done that already. Now. *loves* ;) And a lot of thanks to
wandersfound (who had totally got the same idea as me by the way, oh our twin brains) who did an amazing job beta-ing this and who saved me from a bunch of mistakes which you really don't want to know. And who's amazing at Ameri-picking the mess between Brit and American that my English is. And who had to deal with me sending drafts way later than I could have. <333 Thanks really, you were a life-saver. And thanks to the mods at
spnj2bigbang for running the whole thing, that's a given. And to everyone on my fl who did cheerleading duty when I signed for it. ;) <333
That said, this was the first time doing this particular challenge and I had such fun writing this. Right, I hadn't planned to write the rom-com that this ended up being but I guess it's how writing goes for you, right? I kind of always had wanted to write something music-focused concerning SPN and when I had the idea back in December I decided I couldn't let it pass, and I just hope that if you decide to read it you'll have as much of a good time as I had writing it.
Also, last small thing about the brief a/n in the master post: I do value concrit and if I had stuff I could improve (even if I did my best), then I would love to hear it. As I said, anonymous comments are enabled and PMs are there too and my e-mail is on my profile, in case.
Also, Warren Zevon is underrated and gives awesome titles to steal when you're desperately searching for one. ;) And okay, that's really all I guess. :D