fanfic meme DO THIS. It's awesome. I'm almost done with the one I claimed and I asked for some Dark Tower which I fear no one is going to pick, but I'll see to choose a more doable fandom for the wish I have left for now. ;)
2. In other news: I'm actually ahead with studying for my first exam on the 7th. WTF. I am never ahead. Well, I won't complain about an entire week of revising, right? And I might sneak pedagogy in there and actually accomplish something for once. I feel weird, lol.
3. Six months after the rest of the world I've finally seen The Road, and while I had to wait until now for it to be released I'm glad I did because if I had watched my previously downloaded copy (which I got in like December) it wouldn't have been as good.
Or well, seen on a computer it wouldn't have been the same. It's such a gorgeous movie. Well, technically. But I loved it all. The adaptation was actually great and I'm glad they didn't change anything much (except for the wife being in there a lot more but hey, I guess they needed to sell it considering when it was supposed to be out). Also, I think I'm emotional lately, because I freaking read the book and knew everything that was going to happen and I spent the last thirty minutes crying anyway. Maybe it's because Viggo and the kid were fucking good but... arrrgh. I-cried-so-much. Also, on a cracky side, Deadwood reunion much? When Garrett Dillahunt showed up I was like 'WHUT FRANCIS WOOLCOTT?' but then at the end Molly Parker is there and I'm like 'WHAT ALMA GARRETT TOO?'. Ee. Also, Robert Duvall was in there for like five minutes but ♥ to said five minutes. I'm so glad I managed to catch it in English, too. <333 I'm just not as glad that it took six months for this to arrive here and they weren't even releasing it in the beginning. :/
Also, re movie recs, if it ever gets released were you live and you want to get how exactly fucked things are getting around these parts, go see
Draquila (
that's a review from someone at the Cannes festival in English which summarizes it decently enough). If you're in Italy, then go see it, too. It didn't say much that I didn't know already but case is, it said stuff I didn't know and it never hurts when someone shows how much exactly this country (along with someone else I shall not mention) is fucked. Period. Also, I should rant about B. but ranting about B. in RL too makes me tired of mentioning him. *sigh* Anyway, after I saw that I got an urge to pack and move. Right. *sigh again*
5. I'M DONE WITH CLASSES UNTIL NEXT YEAR. \o/ Well, I have six exams to go and a thesis to write but I'M DONE WITH CLASSES. *phew* I could weep with joy, especially because of the Saturday at 8.30 AM one. Also I start training at the library on the 8th and start working for good in July. Eeee. At least it's money coming in and I'm pretty excited to start.
6. Also, I didn't have time to talk about the Chuck finale because it was right after the Lost one, but just one thing:
it was a great episode, I'm like OMGWTF, AND JEFFSTER PLAYING JON BON JOVI IS THE MOST AMAZING THING IN THE REALM OF CRACK THAT TV HAS EVER PRODUCED. SERIOUSLY. EPIC. EPIC. I SQUEED. JEFFSTER PLAYING BLAZE OF GLORY WAS JUST.. TOO... MUCH. Jeffster this season was actually fucking epic. And now I really want to know wtf are they going to do with S4 because the premise is fucking amazing.
Click to view
7. I owe some e-mails I think. I'll answer asap, sorry but I've been half swamped with studying, the last classes and trying to actually see a couple of movies before I bury myself in books until July. And to read some fiction before the only fiction I read becomes all the Kafka I need to finish for my German literature exam. Thankfully I had read half of it already when I was fourteen or so. Also, I probably had something else to say but it's one AM and I can't recall, so it'll come with the next update. *waves*
8. Uh, also, hi new friends! Both the ones from that spn friending meme and... the three or so people who added me without saying anything? ;) Er, do you want me to add you back? Talk to me, I don't bite. ;)