the vampire porn 1x19-1x20 / Supernatural 5x19-5x20 reviews

Apr 30, 2010 17:55

Okay, since I missed last week I'm doing everything in a bunch. Especially because with the vporn I tend to meddle things, lol.

1. Okay, how much are Stefan and Sam a crossover OTP of blood detox? Srsly, the more it goes on the more I giggle if I think about it. Yeaaah. Bad of me. Sorry.

2. Can I say that I'm liking that poor Damon didn't turn up to be the ultimate bad guy? 'Cause you know. He is a bastard, but seeing that the state of things wasn't entirely his fault (I'm referring to the last ep) made me veeery happy. *cheers for team Damon lol*

3. Duuuh. Stefan you can be creepy when you want to. Also when it turned out that he became a full-on vamp after killing his father and drinking his blood? I clearly though 'woah, that's a LOT coming from the CW and on 8 PM', lol. That said. Yay for morally gray Stefan! He's much more fun.

4. He and Elena are adorable though. <3333 Also yay Elena for not being an idiotic female lead. I liked her a lot the last two eps. And I liked that she wanted to hear Damon's side of the story.

5. Re the previous ep: I was glad when Caroline got her title because really, at least she got first for once lol, I loved Damon escorting Elena while his brother was outside doing very nasty stuff even if I don't ship it at all. Also Stefan was creeeepy.

6. Bonnie: niiice new haircut!! Though... ;___; poor girl. Also why isn't she around more?

7. David Anders: DO ME NOW. Best bad guy ever. SERIOUSLY. GAH.

8. Though when he killed Pearl this ep I was like :(( even if I don't exactly care much about that plot. Poor Anna. Even if I don't exactly care about her either, lol.

9. She and Jeremy are adorable though. And I foresee that it's going to end badly.

10. DAMON, ILU. <3333333333333333 AT ALL DAMNED TIMES.

11. Also yeah, let's talk about important things. WHAT ABOUT THIS EPISODE? WHAT ABOUT DAMON AND ALARIC BEING RELUCTANT BFFS AND ALARIC CALLING HIM ON HIS CELL and then having eyesex while trying to decide whether to kill that vampire or not? SERIOUSLY. AND THEN THEY SHARED BEER AND THEY HAD A NICE TALK AND OH-MY-GOD YES. Also, 'you already killed me' -> LOL. I LOVE my goddamn ship. I seriously and utterly and absolutely do. They're just, BEST ANGRY/SNARKY SEX EVER and now it might even not be THAT angry anymore.

Yeah, well, I'm totally, and I mean TOTALLY, smitten with that particular bit of plot. Mm. I like it when my ship is rewarding. <33333


Also duh, that actress is gorgeous. Jsyk. THAT ENDING MADE ME GO LIKE -> O_____________O and then I was gleeing and now I want next week.

13. Er, I can't remember other stuff about last week and that's pretty much it, so vporn done for now. ;)


1. Let's start with 5x19 since thankfully I can distinguish here.

2. It's been a week and I'm utterly, totally and still completely angry over Gabriel getting offed. And about getting spoiled for it ON A FREAKING FANFIC SUMMARY, but let's just not dwell on that. I mean, he had a badass ep and he had a great death but...


Apparently I'm not over it.

Apart from killing the people I like and apart from making me almost cry (didn't just because I knew it was coming), COULDN'T THEY HAVE GIVEN HIM AND CASTIEL A SCENE BEFORE OFFING HIM? Jesus.

3. Though I'm still hoping he gets resurrected or something because srsly. If they get Lucifer back where he belongs can you even have Heaven without the freaking archangel Gabriel? O__o I mean. It's not like SPN follows scripture even loosely by this point, but... wouldn't that be kind of way too much? Ah well. Thankfully my grandmother doesn't know what shows I watch.

4. Apart from that, I still feel weird because I think that Mark Pellegrino was totally hot even with his face falling down. Oops.

5. The whole gods meeting was waaay cool though. I liked pretty much everyone in that bunch. Odin was awesome, lol. Clearly they died but whatever.

6. Gabriel and Casa Erotica = WIN. All said. Really.

7. Pestilence is fucking gross.

8. Sam and Dean kind of had Gabriel totally stealing the show but hey. Couldn't have done much better, lol. Also er, I knew that for plot purposes it's totally a stupid question but will Dean realize that he's asking everyone to kill their own brothers when he won't ever kill his? Not like I want him to kill Sam, FAR FROM ME, or like I want to be wanky or whatever because I don't, but I'd like it if they wrote him a bit more conflicted about asking that. I mean, fine, angels are dicks and Lucifer is THE DEVIL, but still, it would give him points to at least acknowledge it. /end rant (yeah, yeah, it's also about Castiel having killed bunch of other angels and I think Dean not having realized that it's the same thing, but whatever. I usually think about this AFTER I watch the ep, not during it.)

9. That said, I'm still fucking so not happy about Gabriel dying. Damn, it'd have been so awesome if he joined team free will instead of that. ;____;

10. And fuck, it's not like I didn't fic my discontent already. *headdesk*

11. Okay, on to 5x20.

12. I haven't read any reviews because I totally didn't have time before class this morning, but I gather that the general reaction was meh? I don't know, but I liked it.


14. Even if Sam doing the Crowley:Ruby = Dean:Sam made me LOL so hard. Just. HEIGHT DIFFERENCE MUCH IN BOTH CASES? ;) ;)

15. Also: people like to kick Dean. End of story.

16. Sam was making me headdesk up until he didn't kill that lackey outright. Even though really, Dean? Don't let him drink. Don't. He gets stupid ideas when he does.

17. Dean going with Crowley without Sam was kind of ouch because ha, awesome, they just regain trust and DUUH, he leaves Sam behind, but whatevs. Hey, at least they didn't argue too much about it.

18. No, but how AWESOME is Crowley? Even tho since when you stop hounds with salt? O_O ah well, that scene was kickass anyway.

19. Bobby: I DON'T LIKE IT. I do-not-like-it. Please show DO NOT DO WHAT I THINK YOU'RE DOING. JUST DON'T, OKAY? Don't.

20. Even if now if Bobby sells his soul it means that we get Jim Beaver and Mark Sheppard making out....?

Okay, I don't really ever need to go there again.


Thank you.

22. Pestilence = EEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. Also, GROSS. Also, The Stand much? Between the Croatoan and the rest, it seems like Pestilence is Flagg + Trashcan in one package. Ew. Just. Ew.

23. I DON'T LIKE WHAT'S GOING ON WITH BOBBY, GODDAMMIT. Though Bobby was srsly awesome this round.

24. Duh, that was it. I think. Also, reiterating: surprise!Crowley appearing in the car = AWESOME. Totally best thing about this ep, aw.

25. Though well. Not as good as 4x20 was *coughcoughcoughcough* JIMMY *coughcoughcoughcough* but hey. I liked it. ;)

That was it. Information: I'm about to re-post the five acts stuff, but since doing a separate entry for each would clog everyone's flist I'm posting stuff with a backwards date and then putting up posts with links to all the fics for each fandom. I'm probably not doing everything at once, but expect three or four of those posts showing up in the next days. ;)

supernatural season 5 review, vampire pornography s1 review

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