just in bello report - day #3 part two

Apr 08, 2010 00:41

PLEASE, don't hotlink pictures. Really.

So, after Jensen's panel was done there was some waiting time and then the Jake Abel panel. I was there for most of it, but then they said that Jensen would have just one session of autographs instead of two (I was planning on going to the last one) and since I hadn't had his autograph yet I missed about five minutes of the panel (thankfully lines were fast), except that apparently in those five minutes Jake started imitating Jensen playing Dean and apparently it was a pretty mean one. Ah well, it wasn't like I had any other chance to get that signature, so...

Anyway, Jake is lovely! I'll admit that I never cared that much for his character even if I hadn't minded him too much, but in his panel he was so great! He was wicked funny, he really is pretty (which doesn't hurt) and I really wish I could have seen that all. Anyway, I'll leave you with the notes.

- The first question he got asked was on working with Chris Colombus for Percy Jackson and Peter Jackson for Lovely Bones and similarities between his character in Percy Jackson and Adam, which I'm afraid I couldn't note exactly because not having seen Percy Jackson I didn't get half of what he was talking about, but he said a lot of nice things about both Chris Colombus and Peter Jackson, the latter especially;
- Then he did dwell about similarities between Adam and the Percy Jackson character and then said that Adam in SPN was an extremely daunting role but that it was unbelievable when he got it; actually, he shot two more episodes as Adam which have to air this season;
- Whenever on SPN set he had a blast and he loves working with J2 who, in his wording, couldn't be any closer and really can act off each other;
- He got asked something like maybe if he liked the show before or something related to shows and he said he's incredibly bad as watching TV, and then he said at random that he really likes Rome;
- At that point someone said that there were the last Jim ops right then. Conversation:

Outside: whoever has a Jim op and hasn't shot it GO NOW!
Jake: are you leaving me for JIM?! This relationship is OVER!

Room cracks up.
- He then said that he had some trouble on the set during 4x19 because of that scene when he's in the casket (he's claustrophobic) and said that Jensen was actually very sweet and that he said he'd try to open it as quick as possible and he had been more or less always around when he was in said casket;
- Question: How was going to a baseball game with John Winchester?
Answer: Well, this is a good question. I can tell you that the photoshopping on that picture of me and JDM they had was ATROCIOUS. It's why I brought it home. It was so bad I had to have it.

Room cracks up, not that he didn't have a point.
- They asked him about upcoming roles and he said he's trying to land a role in this Cowboys Vs Aliens movie which will get shot sometime soon because, in his opinion, THE TITLE IS NUTS, BUT IT'S SO BADASS! HE NEEDS TO BE IN THERE!
- Then there came the question which totally made my esteem for the man raise up a WHOLE lot.

Q: if Adam was still alive and, y'know, ADAM and not a ghoul, during the Apocalypse thing, would he side with Sam or Dean?
A: ... oh, you're asking this because of slash fanfiction, aren't you?

Room goes crazy laughing and I start admiring him a LOT. (Yeah, I'm of the opinion that asking actors about fanfiction should be positively banned, but if they talk about it on their own then they're awesome. Well, I never said I was coherent.)

Anyway, he concluded that he wouldn't choose either and Adam would probably rather bite it himself than having one of the other two dead.

At that point I had to go out for the Jensen autograph along with some other people and I felt really bad about it because I was having a hell of a good time.

By the way. JENSEN, YOU ARE.. JUST... TOO GOOD LOOKING TO BE TRUE. When I was in front of him and got him to sign the dvds that Jared signed the day before I think I used my fifteen seconds staring at him or something. Guh. Just, guh. Also he was lovely and smiled at everyone when they came in front of him even if there was no chatting. Then again I hadn't expected chatting with HIM of everyone, considering also that it was the last session available.

Anyway, when I came back at Jake Abel's, it was going more or less like this:

- He said he likes doing his own stunts and that he did them also during the SPN ep, included one where he basically flew through a wall;
- When asked what mixtape, movie, season of a tv show and liquor he'd bring on a rock if the Apocalypse happened and he could run, he answered:

Mixtape -> he'd bring his i-pod and fill it with blues music;
Movie -> his Buster Keaton dvd collection;
Tv Show -> S1 of Dexter - he thinks the Dexter pilot is the best pilot ever shown;
Liquor -> he's a vodka guy.

- He then said one episode where Adam is supposed to return and someone was like NOOOOOOO DON'T SPOIL US!!!!!! at which he said that we couldn't know if he was alive or a flashback or a ghost or anything. Then he said that everyone was going to die in the finale but that he only talks to Misha who passes the info so they might as well be wrong;
- Apparently there's a theory on set that Kripke is God because if I'm not mistaken he always manages to guess the weather or something like that;
- He mentioned aliens but idk about what, I just have ALIENS! written in the middle of the sheet and idek what I'm talking about;
- His favorite actors are Johnny Depp, Christ Cooper and Robert Downey Junior; he also really loved working on Lovely Bones.

That was the panel. Now, have pics!!! Since a lot of people were out either for Jim or Jensen I took some good ones because the front row was free.

At that point we had some half an hour of regrouping which I totally don't remember until Jim's second panel started, where he always wore his awesome Bobby shirt. Or maybe it started right after because Jake's panel ran late, idek.

- So, Jim starts saying happy easter and asking if someone wasn't there for all the three days. Someone said they worked on Friday and he was like 'what, are you a nun, poor girl? Then again if you were a nun you wouldn't be here';
- At one point we were talking countries again and he concluded saying that Internet is a great country or something like that;
- FINALLY SOMEONE ASKED A DEADWOOD RELATED QUESTION which I'd have asked if they didn't come before me. Also, when they said Deadwood, me and... about other twenty people started clapping like crazy. Er. They wanted to know some fun stories related to the Deadwood set or anything relevant and he said that it wasn't the same thing because while SPN is a very funny set in general where they joke and laugh all the time Deadwood was a lot more serious. He shared a story about his daughter who totally wasn't impressed when she was three or four and he brought her on set while they were shooting that Seth + Al punch-each-other-to-death scene; then he said that while it isn't a fun thing, he was very moved by something happening in S3. First he asked if someone in there was watching Deadwood but still wasn't done with it and when someone said yes he tried to word it so not to spoil it; anyway, in that scene in 3x11 where he's talking to the dog BEFORE that thing which I totally didn't like and which Jim didn't like either from what he said, he was really struggling because he had to do an emotional scene which he totally hated and the dog kept on ruining it by looking the other way. At one point he raises his head and sees that ALL the cast, people not working that day included, is there behind the cameras to see him shoot that and he said it was very moving. I actually teared up a bit when he said that. If you've seen Deadwood you know why, if you don't GO WATCH IT NOW PLZKTHANKS;
- He got asked if he just wants to hunt girls and ghosts on SPN and he said that sure thing, he isn't interested in anything else and has never hunted anything else;
- Q: if there was a SPN musical episode, what would Bobby sing?
A (he kind of was like LOL when he heard the question): California Girls by the Beach Boys, if I understood right.
- The presenter then said his Italian was very good, he answered he was making it up;
- He got asked about Harper's Island and said that the people working on there are nuts in the good way;
- He told us we should download Daybreak because it was a great show and he answered some questions about the similarities between the overall plot of Daybreak and Mystery Spot;
- Then one guy who I think runs a huge SPN Italian forum told him a lot of incredibly nice things before asking his question (IE he's an incredible person and we're all happy to have him etc.), everyone started clapping and stood up and he started crying on stage (Jim, not the guy) and I think half of the room was half-crying too. It was seriously in the top three touching moments of that con really. ;_;
- After that the guy asked how was it to work with Katie Cassidy on HI after SPN and Jim said that he can't really say because while they're friends and he thinks she does a great job he shot exactly one scene with her in SPN and one in HI;
- Then someone asked him about his RL friendship with Misha quoting him on that 'the fact that Misha's a pervert doesn't get in the way of our friendship' thing he said the previous day and asked how did they become friends considering that they never shared much screen time in SPN; Jim first asked us if we knew what upstaging was, explained it and then said that Misha doesn't do that even if it's easier when he isn't around during takes, but then he turned on serious. First he said that he was lying and that Misha is a professional (acting, at least), and that they hang out a lot more during takes than on screen together and that's how they initially hit it off; then he said that Misha is a great guy despite his craziness and that they kept on hitting off when Misha asked him stuff about conventions and similars when he started attending. Then he read Jim's book and sent him what Jim defined as a 'very nice e-mail' which I suspect had to be way nicer than very nice knowing the subject and they kept on hanging out and they really like each other;
- The same person who asked Jake Abel the Apocalypse question asked Jim the same one; his answers were:

CD -> Beethoven's 5th Symphony
Movie -> The Searchers
TV show -> S3 of Deadwood (that earned him a lot of squeeing from yours truly)
Book (added just for him) -> sorry but I missed the title because there was chattering behind me going on
Liquor -> he doesn't like liquors too much but he'd get some rhum

- He then got asked why writers never go to conventions and he answered that partly they don't get asked and partly it's a question of schedule (they just have two weeks off between seasons), but he thinks that if they actually got asked writers would probably try to attend.
- Then he ended up saying that a lot of people ask him why his book isn't published in their language and he thought he'd clarify that it gets translated just if a local publisher thinks that it has a market, so the best way to get it published in your country is sending an e-mail to publishers;
- Also, I didn't write it down so idk if it was in this panel or the previous, but at one point he said that he looks thinner in person because a) he's standing and b) they don't bundle him up in five layers of clothing.

And then it was over and I'll give you some more pictures.

At that point I left to have my op with Richard (I originally had one with Frederic Lehne which I switched when he didn't attend anymore and AM I GLAD I DID SWITCH WITH RICHARD <3) who is... awesome. First thing, he's the only male in the cast next to whom I don't look indecently short even if I'm average height, and second thing, HE SNUGGLES YOU. Right, I kind of crushed his hip, but he crushed mine in return. And he was just so easy and nice and smile-y and I have a crush on him like crazy by now. Oops. Hi, new crush, like I needed another one. He really totally won everyone over though.

After I was done with Richard's op I went back to the main room because there was the Jensen and Jason panel/auction (well, it was supposed to be an auction..) of which I might have missed the first five mins because I was having the op and at least I managed to get my regular place back, pfff. I think Jason was answering a question when I got in but I didn't really manage to get anything until I sat down. This = report following from what I wrote.

- Jensen got asked about what would Dean sing during the infamous SPN musical episode; first he asked where the hell did it came from, someone said Buffy and he joked about it (something like what, Buffy season 16? Then I get why they did the musical episode...), but then said the song would be Back In Black;
- Someone gave him a bunch of compliments and told him she hoped he'd get recognized at the Emmys because it's totally idiotic that no one still has and he was kind of half blushing and half being very happy about it (awwww);
- He then got asked three inspirational movies and er, ops, that was when they said that stuff about the Dark Knight, not in the other panel. Sorry. I can't be bothered to go fix that now, lol.
- Jason anyway stormed in and said that he can totally tell us that Jensen loves The Little Mermaid and Jensen was like 'WHAT, THERE ARE BEACHES AT LEAST';
- He got asked if the relationship between Sam and Dean reflects his and Jared's at times and he said that at times it happens that they go all method actor and it takes them a while to snap out of their character;
- Someone asked him why didn't they reference Sam's detoxing in 1x15 or 1x16 and Jensen said he had no idea and was as confused about it as they were;
- He got asked about his experience with Lou Diamond Phillips and doing theater; first he said that LDP is a great professional but he's crazy (IE: they were in Texas, he wanted to hit a casino, there aren't casinos in Texas and he just drove to Oklahoma and the morning after he was ready to rehearse; this because according to him, when you have a wife and kids, you take any occasion you get in order to have fun). Anyway, Jensen loved the theater thing and he took the chance also because it was challenging. For a while he had thought he'd bitten more than he could chew but apparently Danneel encouraged him or something and he wrapped his head around it and did the whole thing in the end;
- He got asked why he had auditioned for Sam in the beginning and he answered it was just because they were calling for Sam first; then after his audition he told the writers he'd have rather read for Dean instead and they told him he read Sam the way they wanted Dean and so he got back the next day and got the part, and after all, WHO CARES ABOUT SAM?

Room cracks up.
- Jason then said that it was cool because they watched the pilot together and he had never seen Jensen when he was on Days of Our Lives or Smallville;
- He got asked about how would he like the show to end and he said that they kind of make it up as they go because according to Kripke every season, as it airs, is the last season, but that he had figured they could do some ending a la Thelma And Louise or Butch Cassidy, and Jason then said that nooo, it'd be way cooler if they shot the Impala leaving with Bon Jovi's Blaze Of Glory as a soundtrack AND WE CRACKED UP, and I was very pleased at the BJ mention;
- At some point he got asked if he regrets not being behind a desk and he answered every single day, but he loves his job a lot and in the end it doesn't matter if they have tight schedules;
- THEEEEN, someone asked him to sing.

At the beginning he tried to say no. Someone shouted Eye Of The Tiger and he was like NO NO WAY ABSOLUTELY, then I think he got handed a guitar, idk because I couldn't see what was going on under the stage and next thing I knew Jason had the guitar in his hands and was like 'come ooon do it', so he shakes his head and is like 'THIS WAS SO NOT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN' twice or thrice, then takes the guitar and starts playing The Weight by The Band; Jason sang the first stanza and then he started at the second and... and...

Duh. I don't have words? He has such a beautiful voice. And he did that song SO well. He could totally do it as a professional if he wanted. And everyone knew he never did that before and while I came half close to crying but I didn't, I'm half sure that a bunch of people near me were. It was.. duh. I can't even describe it. He's seriously so good at that. It totally reinforced my Jensen crush, oh dear. He just looked so at ease and like he was having a good time too and.. and... OH, FUCK THIS, JENSEN SANG FUCKING BOB DYLAN AND THE BAND AND HE WAS AT WHAT, FIFTEEN METERS FROM WHERE I WAS. THAT'S ENOUGH, DAMMIT! ;) it's not like everyone hasn't seen the videos or heard it already, right? I'll just confirm that it was AMAZING and that I'm perfectly conscious I didn't choose the wrong con to start from. *cough*

And then the panel was over ;___________; and they didn't auction the last painting, but the presenter got his second good idea of the entire three days and decided that he'd TOTALLY let Misha do that when they got back on stage for the closing ceremony. Premise: I'm totally going by memory here because I was too busy cracking up at Misha and taking pictures to write shit down.

So, everyone but Jared (who already left) comes on stage and they start waving, but then the presenter stops Misha and he's like 'WAIT SINCE YOU WERE AWESOME AT AUCTIONING THIS MORNING BEING AWESOME AGAIN AND SELL THIS SHIT AT 2000 EUROS', at which Misha raises an eyebrow and he's like 'YOU CHALLENGE ME, I'M TOTALLY DOING THIS', and he started doing the whole gig he did the first morning (IE: come on, two thousand! Offer! Two thousand! Good! Over there! Who offers two thousand and one? And two? And three? at some SERIOUSLY fucked up speed), except that Jensen was behind him and people, he was fucking folded up in two after ten seconds. Everyone on stage was laughing their asses off but Jensen especially was OMGWHUT and then LMFAO after until Misha did sell the painting. Idk if he managed to raise more than 2000 euros, I was too busy laughing, but he DID. So they started leaving messages to the audience and while I can't remember everyone, it was more or less like this:

Richard: THIS WAS AWESOME or something like that;
Misha: says something unintelligible EXTREMELY FAST, but everyone cracked up because the first day the presenter had told him to speak slowly because there wasn't an interpreter and he spoke the next thing he said at light speed;
Jake: I love you all even if you left me to go to Jensen's op;
Jensen: I love you all also because you left Jake's panel to take a picture with me, and by the way I can confirm that you're the best crowd we ever had and we had such a great time (*room claps like crazy*);
Jim: I can't remember but he said something very nice and in Italian too I think;
Traci: I love you all because you didn't leave my panel to take pictures with Jensen but by the way, I'm serious too and YOU'RE ALL GREAT and she was as lovely as she had been until then;

If anyone remembers better give me a shout? Anyway, after that they handed some presents (paintings with their portrait) to the girls from the staff who organized the whole thing and they were crying too, everyone was standing up and clapping and not wanting it to be over by a long shot and then I honestly don't remember but I didn't want them to go away ;_; I'd have totally done it for another three days. I'd totally have.

After that I still had an op with Traci and her autograph because I couldn't do it the first day. I did the op first and while I look depressed because I was trying not to have the OMG OMG STANDING NEXT TO MY NEW GIRLCRUSH face and got the opposite effect I was actually REALLY squeeing. She's so sweet even when taking pictures, and I know I sound like a broken record but I really got a crush so shut up. ;) Then I had her signing me something especially for autographs that you were given, which I know sucks because I'd have really wanted to bring her a picture at least, or a nice notebook, but the pictures were all sold out except for Jake's and I had in program to buy one at the conventions. :/ And the only notebook I had was a) not nice, b) the one where I had notes and c) the one where I take notes for fanfiction too so I wasn't going to use that. Anyway she signed it for me, we chatted a bit and I told her I was from there, she said she loved it and I told her something random like 'well, we love you and we're so happy to have you here' or something. She was telling something about yoga to the person before me, awwww. In a nutshell: THAT WOMAN IS AWESOME.

And then it really was sort of over but there were still two hours and some until the Steve Carlson concert so first I got my ops, then ate the sandwich I had in my bag since the morning (errr) and while everyone else I came with went to the airport to get dinner, since I didn't feel like a) spending money and b) MOVING I ended up roaming through the hotel in search of familiar faces. I hanged for a while with ladymacbeth77 & her friends (HIIIIII PEOPLE!! BTW), then after another while I recognized this girl WHO IDK IF IS ON LJ OR NOT which I had already met at the Duff McKagan concert and we ended up hanging out for a while. I also snapped a couple of pics of them with Richard and Jim and then some IDIOT banged into me as I got the camera handed (btw, if anyone from that group is reading, did it get fixed? *crosses fingers*) and then I find out that a bunch of people around that hotel were recognizing my username from the badge and were like 'OMG YOU'RE THE ONE WHO WRITES FANFICTION?' and I was like 'er, yes, I do/did in Italian too' and I met up with also other people with whom I had had fanfiction talkings when I still managed to write in Italian FOR OTHER FANDOMS. Duh. It was nice even if I was like 'omg anyone still remembers that I used to write rock bands RPS?' *cough*.

Then it turns out that everyone ships Dean/Castiel. That was a good time. _izu_ got back with the airport people and we went to see Steve Carlson who is WOW. I mean, I liked his stuff already and I had a bunch of songs so I also knew about half of the set, but live? Duuuh. HE'S GOOD. HE'S REALLY GOOD. I wish I had bought a cd but I didn't have money, and if I had it I'd have probably spent it on a second Misha op, but it's not like I could anyway. Here, get some pictures. Anyway, he got a really balanced set, he has an incredible voice, the two people playing with him were great too, Jim was attending and hung out in the back, he played Wasted Jamie which is actually on my mp3 so all good stuff and then it was over, I said goodbye to a bunch of people who will get mentioned after the pictures, I managed to drive me, _izu_ and ecstaticagony home without crashing anywhere and with Bon Jovi out loud in the car AND IT WAS OVER BUT IT WAS TOTALLY AWESOME AND I'D DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN. ;___;

Only thing which kind of sucked: the hotel. Or well. It didn't STRICTLY suck because y'know, FIVE STAR, but a) it was ridiculously expensive (2.50 euros for coffee? SERIOUSLY?) and b) would they have lost much by granting a couple facilitations to con people? I mean, to park the car they wanted 25 euros each day which is why I used it just one day and split the parking with three other people. And then to use the internet they wanted 3.50 euros for FIFTEEN minutes, which COULD have been done if I used five minutes each day, except that IT WAS ONLY FOR GUESTS. The only thing I can say is idjts. Seriously. Was it too hard to, idk, make convention people pay a fixed (LESSER) price for parking at least? Jeeesus. And from what I gathered they wanted 22 euros each day for internet for guests, too. Cra-zy. Hell, even Misha when asked his first impression said that it was the hotel and that it was MEEEEEH. Just not to say outright that he thought the same thing I guess...

That said, since it was the only half-negative thing, let's go and make some names because it's due: thanks to _izu_ who is my virtual wife for a reason, ecstaticagony (whose room is AWESOME and who cooks the best pasta with peas and ham ever, I can't vouch for the cream) and yawedzoro who bakes a seriously mean apple pie and with whom watching 5x16 was great (er. I'll post a review of that ep too, SOMETIME SOON). galain7, YAY FOR LINES FOR THE JEN/MISHA OP!. thandie, it was so awesome to meet you! <3 deeptown_girl was awesome and er, yay for that certain pic from the Jen/Misha photo ops and the random shirt recognizing? ;) Also ladymacbeth77 I MISS YOU ALREADY ;_______; <3 (and THE OP WITH MISHA! ;) ;) and the holy trinity too! Okay, I'll explain the whole holy trinity thing one day) and I miss everyone who was with you, especially your friend whom I don't think is on LJ who had the reaction I had to Jen and Misha when he got out of the Traci op, not that I don't understand him. Thanks also to Alessandra whose LJ name escapes me with whom I had an awesome time hanging out in the lobby the first day, of course to kros_21 whom seeing is always great and duh, nimloth87 if I didn't get the name wrong (thanks for the chocolate!!) and everyone else whose LJ name escapes me whom I met there and if I forgot you I'm very sorry and it's because it's ten past midnight and I've been writing this for three hours and I'm not exactly thinking straight.

And, since I posted them on Twitter already and I don't wanna know how many people saw them... what the hell, these are my photo ops:

Yes, with Misha it seems like I was seeing the second coming. No, with the sandwiches I didn't know what face I was pulling. Not THAT one, though, or at least I didn't think so. No, with Traci I was trying not to do the OMG OMG OMG face but I sorta failed. Yes, the only two where I actually look like a normal person are Jim's and Richard's. I'm not surprised about it. And I'd post autographs too but my camera isn't cooperating and it's almost one AM so er, next time?

Anyway. It was awesome. I loved every second of it. I reiterate my first post on the matter. If I had anything wrong and someone attending can correct me, please do? ;) Aaand. That's it. Hi. I'm beat and I need sleep. Next year I'm totally doing it again if it happens.

janie's flaily fangirling, orange underwear wins, supernatural, spn con report, misha collins is too awesome for us, jensen sang bob dylan during my con

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