flash random post with some equally random stuff

Mar 18, 2010 00:04

1. Happy birthday thevinegarworks!! <3333 I hope you're having a great day as free of school woes as possible. ;) And of course every possible best wish for everything, you're awesome and you totally deserve that. <333 And if you want to prompt me I'll see what I can do after I finish the, er, ten things I should have finished. *cough* ;) Happy birthday again!!

2. I booked the Jensen/Misha photo op. No turning back now. Now as hopelessfangirl said I need myself a shirt with a ship on.

3. Misha Collins is the most adorable person ever. Just. Idek. <333333333333333 Every time I think he can't get awesomer, he gets awesomer.

4. I've finally re-started my Deadwood S1 re-watching. I'm at episode five, will probably finish it within the weekend and post seriously about it. Also, someone please talk me out of liking Ellsworth/Trixie. Please. I can see from a mile that it's doomed even before starting.

5. I got Chuck S1 and S2 on dvd! \o/

6. Last day I met with this friend of mine which I knew from like when I was nine and then lost touch with when I was around fifteen/sixteen. Wonders of Facebook, and re-meeting her is probably the only positive thing that I got from having Facebook. Anyway, I already knew she liked Supernatural, but then it turns out she likes Chuck too and I'm like WHUT I KNOW SOMEONE IN RL WHO LIKES JEFFSTER.

And after today I linked her point #2 I'm positive that I turned her into a minion, lol.

7. My PM is being more of an idiot than usual. Also, regional elections in two weeks. My only comment: ARGH.

8. That said, I'll be answering e-mails and then catching up with the Lost review comments tomorrow. Thankfully I apparently kicked off the fever, now I just need to kick off the cold. Eugh. :/ *waves*

jus in bello con, deadwood, the random post, rl, birthday, politics, chuck is the awesomeness, supernatural, omg, misha collins is too awesome for us

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