Lost 6x07 'Dr. Linus'

Mar 10, 2010 14:38

Well, I'm baffled myself because of my own reaction. This might be the only Ben episode in the history of Lost which I actually liked. WHAT.

spoilers )

bold_seer is my lj tag twin, lost season 6 review, everything relates to supernatural

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Comments 34

gwape March 10 2010, 14:07:09 UTC
Omg Jack and Richard having a chat was the best scene ever! I got sooo tense for Richard! I felt worse for him than Ben. With Ben... Idk if I buy the whole "no one wants me" bit either. It feels too ooc. (then again, about ALL of season 5 was ooc for everyone) He never cared about being a cool kid before.

The alt!timeline is brilliant. Interesting that they brought up Dharma.


janie_tangerine March 10 2010, 16:42:44 UTC
Wasn't it just? I loved it so much! And oh, I def. feel more sorry for Richard. Ben is totally OOC but it's probably Michael Emerson who manages to sell it well enough I guess. :/ In season 5 the only IC person was Daniel, and see where did he end...

The Dharma thing puts another spin on things I guess, doesn't it? But yeah. BRILLIANT INDEED.


elliotsmelliot March 10 2010, 15:40:07 UTC
I guess Miles knew about Nikki and Paulo because he could hear their last thoughts. Since we didn’t see him digging, I don’t know how he got to the diamonds.

Only in a battle between Jacob and Flocke, does Widmore look good to me too. And hopefully where Widmore goes, Desmond will follow.

I don’t know how I feel about Ben’s redemption path. It was one thing I didn’t want to see this season. I think it is natural that he feels remorse and responsibility for Alex, but what about all the other shit he caused? I still can’t get over him kidnapping Alex in the first place or ordering Charlie’s death and forcing Juliet to stay. Still Michael Emerson is such a good actor, he makes Ben's journey interesting.

Ben + Arzt = best crack pairing ever. I want to join the history club!

Richard, why so pretty?

This question deserves our full attention. I think we need to devote the rest of the season to answering it, or simply being allowed to stare at Richard.

Yay for hugs and musical montages! Awww, Ben and Richard should hug it out!


bold_seer March 10 2010, 15:50:16 UTC
Ha, ha - I love your teacher!Ben icon so much! :D

And yours too, Janie, btw! (How is alt!Ben so awesome?)


elliotsmelliot March 10 2010, 16:44:38 UTC
Isn't the icon great? It was made by niftygifties.


janie_tangerine March 10 2010, 16:48:43 UTC
Yeah, you have a point on that. Though how would he get one diamond only? Unless he dug their corpses up, but.. ewww, in that case. ;)

Only in a battle between Jacob and Flocke, does Widmore look good to me too.

Word, and word on Desmond too. ://

I don't have the slightest idea about how I feel about it either. I didn't ever want to see it but at this point if anyone gets any redemption in this show it'll be a miracle in itself *sigh* and at least Michael Emerson is good at it, otherwise... *shudders* Word about him not feeling remorse about everything else you said. Do-not-want, in theory, but on the spot I can't say that I didn't care for it. Argh, why do they need to confuse me also with character development?!

Ben + Arzt = best crack pairing ever. I want to join the history club!

Me too! Well, they were five, we'll make it seven!


I think we need to devote the rest of the season to answering it, or simply being allowed to stare at Richard. I'd totally be up for it. And please, give him three centrics and an alt ( ... )


bold_seer March 10 2010, 15:46:04 UTC
Well, awww! ;) And see, I told you the other tag was needed!

Ben explaining Napoleon = SO APPROPRIATE.

THAT'S WHAT I WAS SAYING; THE FRENCH REVOLUTION, WHICH - as you said - LEADS TO NAPOLEON. You just know Ben knows his Emperors (and Kings). I so loled at the Island - of Elba.

Loved the alt!storyline and Alex and Arzt and Machiavellian!Locke(!) and the power play between the teachers. Also, the old school!hugging and the Widmore!WTF at the end.

After the premiere, this was my favorite episode this season.

Perhaps it beats the premiere even! I definitely liked 6x01-02 and sort of liked Locke's ep and so, but this may have been the highlight of the season so far. No more 6x03:s, thank you very much!

his boyfriend dying really hit him hard, huh?

IKR? :( But yay for interesting Richard stuff; loved him at the Black Rock! And if Jacob's touch equals no death that means KATE WILL NEVER DIE!

Leonard Cohen playing in the soundtrackWhat the frak? And their choice of song wasn't exactly - oh, Lost! (Had to go search for the ( ... )


janie_tangerine March 10 2010, 16:54:27 UTC
Both tags were indeed needed!


Word about the alt! I was so engaged in that, lol. ARZT AND LOCKE BEING MACHIAVELLIAN = AWESOME. And ha, the power play between teachers is probably all real stuff. Lost, A REALISTIC SHOW!

It'd probably beat the premiere if the premiere didn't have Boone. ;) Sorry, I'm biased. Locke's ep was good too but this one was def. the best, I agree.

Poor Richard. :((( And yes, I LOVED him at the ship too!

And if Jacob's touch equals no death that means KATE WILL NEVER DIE!

ARGH. Well, it might also mean that Sayid has a chance at redemption... right?

Yeah, WHUT? And why that one? O__O what you said there. (And yeah, that promo was sort of not really showing crap except that the music was awesome.)

Eeeh, where? :/ (and word, word and word.)


halfdutch March 10 2010, 15:46:52 UTC
I am so upset that Ilana didn't die. Where's a killing spree when you need one? Why would Ben suddenly turn into a nice guy? Inconceivable!


janie_tangerine March 10 2010, 17:00:21 UTC
Duh, if she makes it out of this season alive it'll be seriously DO NOT WANT material. Seriously.

Why would Ben suddenly turn into a nice guy?

Eeeeh, she stopped hurting his feelings. :/


gottalovev March 10 2010, 15:51:21 UTC
I really started LOL at the mention of Napoleon. can anything be more fitting for Ben? I don't think so. =D as someone who liked Ben for a long time, it's interesting to see how you reacted to him this week! I know it's distressing to you, though *pets pets*

about 7- going to the island and coming back, I had the same thought, wondering if that's Ben with remaining innocence. I think it's pretty interesting as a concept. good point about the cancer.

Widmore's submarine = some of the worst cgi ever.

OMG, right? i meant to mock it in my review, but I forgot. that was so crappy. how can Lost be so bad at things like that? they have budget!

My theory is that Miles overheard Nicky and Paulo in the cemetery, when they buried Locke. how he found a diamond, on the other hand, I don't know! but go Miles!


janie_tangerine March 10 2010, 17:06:07 UTC
it was SO INDEED APPROPRIATE, wasn't it? It's totally his historical soulmate, also because of the height. ;) and ha, it's distressing for me to like him but they probably did something right this round, lol.

I think it IS Ben without the temple treatment. Which makes me think PITY because then I'd have liked him a lot better.

Seriously? They DO have budget, even SPN manages better cgi and they don't have half the money. :/

Yeah, I totally hadn't thought about that, he probably had. But why the hell would he have dug them up? Also it didn't seem like he did, so.. whatever, awesome anyway. ;)


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