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Comments 28

bold_seer March 3 2010, 12:40:51 UTC
No Richard = fail. No Sawyer = fail. <- This. Although, I'm not sure I like what Sawyer is up to.


AHAHAH! I think you need to have an everything relates to SPN tag, too - y/y?

So Nadia married his brother? Aha. Wasn't expecting that, but still.

:/ I was so invested in that ship.


In S1.

It's ten episodes left and I don't have an idea about how they're going to wrap this up.


I want to see alt!Des. And not just in a cameo role.


janie_tangerine March 3 2010, 12:46:02 UTC
Buaha, look at my tags now. ;) ;)

I maintain that Sawyer and Jin eloped and ran away together because they're too smart for this shit.

I hope. :///////

Yeah. I so was too. Oops. Though I was sorta invested in Shannon/Sayid too. YEAH. Right. *sigh*


YES ME TOO. WHYYYY. DESMOND. WHY. COME BACK, DAMMIT. Sometimes I wish they hadn't reunited him with Penny in S4 because he'd be much more around otherwise. Oops.


bold_seer March 3 2010, 12:58:08 UTC
Then we are lj tag twins, too. ;) But not identical, because I was lazy and spelt it SPN. ;)

I kinda sorta was, as well. They were cute, you know.

Actually, you are so right, because S4 was quite okay. S5 is when everything went to, well, hell. *needs a trench-coat-wearing angel to grip the-show-that-used-to-be-a-Show tight and raise it from Perdition*


janie_tangerine March 3 2010, 13:06:15 UTC
Heee, awesome! <3

S4 was mostly good, excluding the Danielle debacle. S5 was blah imo. And ha, y'know what, WE NEED MISHA TO LAND SOME MINOR ROLE IN THE ALT. That'd be SO AWESOME.


gottalovev March 3 2010, 14:43:15 UTC
it is disappointing to see Sayid lose his fight with turning darkside. I am an optimist by nature though, so I dare to still hope he could fight it. maybe not on the Island, he went very far, but maybe in the alt!universe there is still a chance.

I found Clare really creepy too. she pulls it off a lot more effectively than I ever thought she could! jeez. as you say, Kate better watch it!

if your favorite was Frank to the rescue, mine was Miles pwning Kate. I was cheering so frigging much. LOL! and yes, seriously, Ben's face was PRICELESS.


janie_tangerine March 3 2010, 18:20:22 UTC
Yeah, DNW that. :(( Okay, since I'm an optimist too... FUCK THIS, I'M OPTIMIST WITH YOU. I hope too, and as long as he doesn't relent SOMEWHERE I can be okay with it.

Claire IS creepy indeed! Even though the more she does it the more I miss Danielle, but it's probably just me. I liked Danielle way too much, lol. And yes, Kate needs to either run or watch it because otherwise? I wouldn't want to be her.

Miles pwning Kate was AWESOME, but right now my love goes with team Frank, lol. I like that man way too much. AND I WAS CHEERING THERE TOO! Ben has been very priceless lately. The fact that I think that should be frightening enough, lol.


elliotsmelliot March 3 2010, 15:11:48 UTC

Hee! I love your contextualizations!

This episode entertained me, simply because things happened, and pirate Others died (and so did Keamy), and Miles didn't, and Frank appeared, Illana was useful, and the was no triangle bullshit. Still poor Sayid had to ride the doom bus in every universe and that is hard to watch.

I agree that Ben is becoming more likeable, if only because there are more villaneous/annoying creatues around. But I think there is also some retconning going on. Like why is he on board with saving Losties like Sayid of all people? Why is he not sneaking in the Temple 'safe room' and saving his own ass.

Oooh, I like the sounds of eye candy!

ETA - Yes, I want Captain Hotass. I thought he was going to be the one in the fridge and he would say 'Good morning to Sayid."


janie_tangerine March 3 2010, 17:07:37 UTC
That remains CTRL + ALT + CANC forever, for all I'm concerned ( ... )


elliotsmelliot March 3 2010, 17:36:07 UTC
I kindly accept your link to said eye candy.


janie_tangerine March 3 2010, 17:49:58 UTC
One, two, three, four, five, six and seven. Pretty. Very.


inluv4evr March 3 2010, 15:29:49 UTC
Sayiiiiiiiiiiid :'(

It felt like he died last night. And in a way he did, I suppose.


janie_tangerine March 3 2010, 17:13:30 UTC

Can I be in denial? Can I? Because... don't want. Ever. :(((


inluv4evr March 3 2010, 17:20:22 UTC
I need a Sayid icon :(


jaydblu March 3 2010, 16:30:07 UTC
If you didn't guess, Sayid going darkside = NOT pleasing me at all.
Me either. But I guess, it was already in there. Plus if he's killing people in the Sideways (still!) and on the island, we have to face the fact that he means well, but he just can't help himself. I still love him, however. :)

7. No Richard = fail. No Sawyer = fail. No Jin = fail. No Jack = faaail. Though I hope that Sawyer just stayed behind with Jin to keep him company at camp crazy and that they decided to run away as fast as they could
That would be pretty sweet, right? But... :( I am concerned.

I was glued to this episode. Drinking wine while watching it makes it so much more exciting, but I'm pretty sure I would have liked the epi anyway. Just relaxed and enjoyed! ;)


janie_tangerine March 3 2010, 18:18:03 UTC
Yeah, you're right, it was there. I just had spent five seasons hoping he'd overcome it in the end, so... I still love him anyway too, I just wouldn't want him dead for good. Because at this point he kind of is and... DNW. I'm too invested to just accept it, lol.

Yes, that'd be sweet indeed! ;) But well, I doubt that Sawyer is in danger if he's with f!Locke at the moment. And Jin was smart enough when he was with Claire, so.. *crosses fingers*

Oh, I was too until the ending. That just made me want to cry, lol. ;) I probably am not as detached as I wish I was. ;)


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