exam + memes + recs!

Jan 31, 2010 23:08

First thing before the bullet points, happy extremely late birthday to marylou_gr! Sorry but on your day I was knee-deep in studying and since I actually did the exam I didn't have time to do an entry. :/ I hope you had an awesome day!! <3 And if you want to prompt me with anything I'll see what I can do.

1. I PASSED THE DAMNED MEDIEVAL PHILOSOPHY THING. \o/ I didn't exactly ace it but I wasn't wanting to ace it. I just wanted to pass it and I got a decent grade out of that too so totally not complaining here. I can't believe I'm done with it, ohgod. I don't even care that I need to do another three before I'm done with this term. I can bask in the feeling of being done for another couple days at least, lol.

2. In order to properly celebrate, I went and bought myself Jordan Zevon's record because I had been seeing it in one shop only since about one year and a half, always the same copy, and I figured that since his dad was awesome I could give him a try even if it was full price. And then I saw that the paperback for Nick Hornby's Juliet, Naked was out and I bought it too. And it seems like I was starved for some light literature because I finished it in one morning today *cough* and without spoiling, it's awesome. The characters are charming and flawed and lovely as usual, it has all the music nerdyness that I like about Hornby and it even mentions The Wire four times! Definitely awesome and definitely what I needed. About Jordan Zevon's record, damn I should have bought it before. It's not the same style as his dad but I wouldn't have expected/wanted that anyway and he's pretty good I have to say. And he has a lovely voice and some lovely songs so I'm totally glad I did buy it. I'd say that the ratio is more or less the same as Jakob Dylan compared to Bob Dylan which imo it's a totally good one. Even though I guess that Wallflowers sell more. Anyway, I'll be glad to buy his second record whenever he has one out.

3. Also, I went to see A Single Man, which imo was very good and in my mother's not really, but it seemed that I liked all the stuff she disliked and the reverse so whatever. Also she couldn't fully appreciate the surprise!Lee Pace and the surprise!wee Dean cameos so I was probably a lot more hyped, lol. Anyway duh, Colin Firth was so good. And the movie in general was too imo.

4. Memes to pass the time! This from gottalovev.

Comment and I'll pick three of your fandoms and post the answers to your journal and so on and so forth. I got Lost, SPN and Watchmen.


01. The first character I fell in love with: Boone. No question there. ;)
02. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: duh, probably Richard. I always liked him but S5 was like, OMG I LOVE YOU.
03. The character everyone else loves that I don't: Ben. Forever and ever. I still don't get what's the appeal. As soon as he stopped being Henry Gale he started grating on my nerves.
04. The character I love that everyone else hates: er, I wouldn't know. It seems that on the not-liking I'm pretty much going with the flow. Jack maybe? I haven't seen much Jack dislike around lately but I usually like him better than most people do while the show airs.
05. The character I used to love but don't any longer: Locke. *sigh* I had three seasons of back and forth but I can safely say that after 5x04 I was done professionally.
06. The character I would shag anytime: I'd say Sayid but I'd die, so I'll say Boone, zombie or not. Even if I wouldn't just shag him...
07. The character I'd want to be like: Penny, if I have to choose! but pining for years.. yeah. not so much. -> I reiterate. Of all the crazies in there I'll take Penny even with the pining..
08. The character I'd slap: Locke could have used a good slap often, but jfc, BEN. Especially when he's all like 'I HAVE A PLAN'. JFC, shut up. That's why I never object when people beat him. Even if Charles Widmore comes soon after.
09. A pairing that I love: jfc, let's be serious here. Jack/Boone, of course. ;) For het, I'll take Bernard/Rose. Two seasons ago I'd have taken Jack/Juliet, but...
10. A pairing that I hate: I'm thoroughly done with anything triangle which isn't Jack/Sawyer. Charles/Eloise bores me in the sorry-but-I-just-don't-care way. Though I guess that in the end Jack/Kate wins out of everything.
11. Favorite character: overall Boone, atm... er, either Sayid or Frank.
12. My five favorite characters: going with overall just for coherence's sake, Boone, Sayid, Desmond, Charlie, and fifth place is shared by Jack and Rousseau, lol. Yeah, I'm weird.
13. My five least favorite characters: Ben, Eloise, Charles Widmore, Radzinsky and Ilana or WHO THE HELL IS SHE?
14. Which character I am most like: extremely good looks aside, Boone. We go to marches, we're the same age, we both try hard to be useful but it's not always appreciated and we hate guns. Probably I have a side of Charlie too because I have some bassist training and I'm a music freak, but I lack an English accent and I don't do drugs as a rule.
15. My deep, dark fandom secret: oh God, deep and dark? Everyone knows that I'd kill whoever decided that Aaron had to be born during Do No Harm and that I wish that Henry Gale had stayed Henry Gale for those five eps and then disappeared into the jungle or something. Probably also that I wish that Juliet and Sawyer had stayed friends. I don't really talk about that part often but I just couldn't buy fully the way they went with the pairing in canon.


01. The first character I fell in love with: Depends. The one I first LIKED was Dean, but about falling in love.. that was S1 John probably.
02. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Castiel. He's currently my favorite character, but it took me until episode 4x16 to actually realize that I loved the crap out of the angel and that I actually liked him better than everyone else, lol.
03. The character everyone else loves that I don't: Meg. Sorry but since the first actress looks very similar to a friend of mine I couldn't even look at her, I'm not attached to the character at all and everytime she's around I headdesk because she's bad news.
04. The character I love that everyone else hates: BECKY! I LOVE BECKY SO MUCH and whenever I read that she should gtfo and disappear I'm always :(((( and Jimmy I guess? It's not that people hate him, but he's usually either ignored or dispatched quickly and I <3333 him.
05. The character I used to love but don't any longer: For one episode I thought that Zachariah was awesome. Then for another one I liked him. Then 4x20 happened and since then I've been hating the guts of the guy.
06. The character I would shag anytime: Ash. Oh dear how much I'd hit that. *cough*
07. The character I'd want to be like: Bobby. He's the only sane one of the whole bunch and even if he's on a wheelchair he's awesomesauce.
08. The character I'd slap: S4!Ruby. JFC SO MUCH. Or mini!Lilith.
09. A pairing that I love: oh, fine, whatever. Right now my OTP is Dean/Cas and that's it, but since it brings ship war fodder and I can't take ship wars (also, I believe in Dean/Castiel/Sam firmly), consider CHUCK/BECKY my valid answer. Shut up. They're my happy place.
10. A pairing that I hate: Dean/any person which automatically means non-con (IE: Alastair). And any wincest which isn't Sam/Dean.
11. Favorite character: Castiel.
12. My five favorite characters: Castiel, Ash, Dean, Sam, Bobby and Chuck share the fifth place on awesomeness account. John gets a special mention for being my first love.
13. My five least favorite characters: duh, Meg, S4!Ruby, Bela (annoying...), Zachariah (one word: gtfo) and Lilith when she was the blonde cute kid.
14. Which character I am most like: oh dear. Probably Sam (I like healthy crap, I have similar shirts, I'm a geek, I like Bon Jovi, I have the same hair) with a part of Dean (the music taste and the pie mostly) and Chuck (the writing and the blatant pastafarianism, or at least I decided he is because he ate spaghetti and drank beer).
15. My deep, dark fandom secret: I like Misha more than anyone else. Okay, I said it.


01. The first character I fell in love with: The Comedian probably? Because I watched the movie first and he was JDM, lol.
02. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Rorschach. Because he's my favorite and he's totally not my kind of character.
03. The character everyone else loves that I don't: Adrian? Not that I hate him but except for the boys folder I don't particularly like him.
04. The character I love that everyone else hates: I wouldn't know. Who's hated in general? O_o er, I'll pass this one.
05. The character I used to love but don't any longer: I never changed alliances but when I saw the movie I liked Laurie, in the GN I wanted to strangle her more times than not.
06. The character I would shag anytime: THE COMEDIAN PLEASE. NOW.
07. The character I'd want to be like: Daniel. He's the only relatively sane one. Or Hollis. Whatever, people who go out in the night dressed as birds I guess.
08. The character I'd slap: GN Laurie. Uh, and Rorschach's mother, but I'd do way more than just slap her.
09. A pairing that I love: Uh. I'll admit a total fondness for Daniel/Rorschach, either slash or gen. Shut up. It's a goldmine of h/c.
10. A pairing that I hate: duh, Comedian/Laurie? That'd make me VERY uncomfortable.
11. Favorite character: Rorschach. Apparently I like psychopaths as long as they have morals.
12. My five favorite characters: duh, are there even enough people to do this and the following? Whatevs. Rorschach, Dan, the Comedian, Manhattan and Hollis.
13. My five least favorite characters: eurgh, I don't exactly DISLIKE anyone but.. oh well. Rorschach's mother, Richard Nixon, Adrian, Laurie and... and... I don't know, lol.
14. Which character I am most like: only easy one! Daniel. I'm a geek with glasses who can be extremely awkward in relationships, I like birds fine enough, I like the music he likes, I'm generally a quiet person and I have my couple of pounds I should lose.
15. My deep, dark fandom secret: I actually like Laurie/Manhattan? It seems like no one ships it but I kinda did. Oops.

5. The icon meme redux because hopelessfangirl tagged me again but I'm not re-doing it as a whole. ;)

#1 by marylou_gr: once I used to like Locke. Then stuff happened. And while I do need a Locke icon because when Lost is on it's useful, I decided that I was going to have it with Boone in it just because. And this one is perfect because you know, he seems properly haunted and there's that composition with ghost!Boone who is like 'HI BITCH!' and I <3 it. Yes, I have grudges with characters.

#2 by me: lol, this will be complicated. So, premise: two years ago (ouch, is that so much time? O_o) I wrote this completely out of the blue historical AU, Ain't Got No Home, where Sawyer was a guitar player drifting through the US during the Dust Bowl. I won't lie, I had totally based the whole drifting thing on Woody Guthrie, and I won't get into how much you should blame Bob Dylan for me loving Woody Guthrie too much, but whatevs. At one point I was planning on writing a sequel for it and those promos from ep. 4x10 where Sawyer had a guitar popped out. At that point I was like OMG! I CAN HAS AN ICON WITH SAWYER PLAYING THE GUITAR TO USE FOR THAT FIC/THE SEQUEL WHEN I WROTE IT! and then while making it I didn't resist and photoshopped Woody Guthrie's guitar into that pic. Yes, he went around with a guitar with 'This machine kills fascists' written on it. And yes, I love him for that, lol. And then I wrote the sequel for nanowrimo and I got to use it. And now I really can't get rid of it and don't even want to. And yes, that's exactly the icon that I guess no one would care to use except for me, lol.

#3 by thefreshchuff with art by linnpuzzle: uh, easy one! Okay, that's a fanart for Good Omens. Those two are Aziraphale and Crowley. They love each other so much it's not even funny. Therefore I needed an icon which was explicitly shippy and this one was. Also I just love that drawing to pieces. Just look at their hands.

#4 by mediocrechick: duh. Everyone needs a sexy O6!Sayid icon. That was very sexy. And I loved the b/w and the text and everything else.

#5 by marylou_gr: that's my Six Feet Under icon. I absolutely loved it because the composition is genius and not only it features everyone so it's perfect for general stuff but it also has George/Ruth and David/Keith \o/ reminds me I need to fish out my S4 burned dvd. I need to finish that show.

6. Blah, I wrote a lot less for the lostsquee fic battle than I'd have liked, but the last week I basically buried myself in St. Thomas. I'd have rather written fic, but I did chunk out at least seven ficlets so I guess I'll be satisfied with that. And I'll finish the two I had started and didn't manage to finish asap.

7. Lost is back in three days for me, YAY!!! Damn you all Americans/Canadians who get it in two, lol. But it's kind of fun that now I'll get to see it on Wednesday which was the usual day for everyone else. Anyway. I'm hopeful and confident that this season will be better than S5, mostly because a) doing better than S5 can't be too hard and b) if dead people are back at least for a couple of episodes then it's automatically better. Even if damn, I don't know if I'm ready for it to be the last season but whatever, for now I won't let it creep up on me.

8. Okay, this has probably got too long already so I'll cut it here and, uh, either go writing or collapse to bed with some book. Damn, I should have gone slower with Nick Hornby and make it last at least two days, I just realized I don't have anything light or relaxing at hand. Ah well, I'll see. *waves*

music recs, music, meme, lost, book recs, watchmen, stuff, movie recs, supernatural, university

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