vampire porn 1x05 you're undead to me + spn 5x05 fallen idols review

Oct 09, 2009 15:58

I'm afraid neither of these will be especially insightful since I watched SPN in a hurry this morning before going to class and the vampire porn after it, which means I payed less attention because in order to pay proper attention to it I need to watch it first. Whatever, here's my two cents. ;)

1. Very surprisingly, I'm not saying His Prettiness was pretty in the first point. Here, I'd very much like to mourn for the poor uncle/nephew who was totally hot and didn't deserve to have his neck snapped like that, poor baby. *sigh*

2. Yay, Elena figured it out! *roll eyes* whaaatever.

3. Though, Stefan totally won points with me. Dylan, Patsy Cline, Hendrix and Janis? GOOD TASTE.

4. Can I hope Elena's brother's girlfiend is dead? Because that story is so annoying I want to fastforward every time I see them. Though if she isn't maybe getting drained that way will make her stop getting high?

5. Well, I like Matt. He's cute, duh.

6. HIS PRETTINESS YOU DO THE CREEP SO WELL. OMG I WAS SERIOUSLY DYING THERE WHEN HE WAS TRYING TO GET HER TO FREE HIM. Jeeesus he's going to kill my system. He's so going to kill my fucking system. I just love how evil he is, lol. Why searching for those idiots, I'm so feeding you any blood you might want. *sigh*

7. I don't get what's going on with the people wanting Elena's watch or whatever it is.

8. So Bonnie is the Sam of this show in the sense that she has BRAIN POWER?


9. Duh, the last episodes probably spoiled me, but next one I NEED HIS PRETTINESS SHIRTLESS AGAIN. Reminds me I have to do that spam for emiliglia. I will soon.

10. I'm sure no one missed the gym/history teacher, but whatever.

11. In conclusion: His Prettiness is awesome as usual and I want someone to revive hot guy. That's all, I think.

11b. No, wait. I really, really need to write Dean/Damon. I really do.

1. First thing I have to say: dear Sam, YOU KNOWING SHIT ABOUT JAMES DEAN'S CAR IS VERY BAD.

2. On the other side, Dean having totally done his homework was awesome. <33

3. Gandhi: WTF LOL. Also Dean, be respectful. He did a revolution without shooting a gun, y'know.

4. Lincoln: LOLOLOLOL. For being the one person in class who squeed when it was time to study the US Civil War, I was uttermost happy to see him.

5. Paris Hilton: okay, thankfully for me here Paris Hilton only appears in the news. Which means I never saw her in a movie or show or reality or what the hell else. Which means I just expected her to be bad and then I found it quite fun. I mean, she wasn't too bad and I need to give her some respect because of the sense of humor she obviously has, otherwise I don't think she'd have accepted to do it.

6. Though... I WANTED SURPRISE!JDM!!!!!

7. That said, I found it kind of interesting that after the whole Adam debacle of last season a) the shapeshifter/pagan god/whatever went for John as Dean's hero and that b) Dean was wearing the leather jacket again in the end. Or maybe it was me not noticing it but I can't remember him wearing it once in S4. Correct me if I'm wrong? Which is all good anyway because I like myself some John mention and the jacket is hot as fuck.

8. I liked that Sam and Dean are finally behaving like mature adult people aka TELLING THINGS INSTEAD OF BOTTLING UP. Was it so hard? ;) Anyway, I think Sam had a point when Dean was like 'well, I call the shots' and Dean won me a lot of points when he apologized at the end. I like that they're mending things in a healthy way. *loves*

8b. Specific thing about 8: I've read a lot of times that Dean should have told Sam about him breaking the first seal. Now he did say it but Sam reacted kind of like he knew that already. I mean, he didn't even blink, so I guess they already had the conversation? I don't know, I always was under the impression that someone had told Sam in 4x16 but I might remember the wrong stuff. I'm glad is out in the open but if they already had the conversation (and there I'm sure, they never showed a Dean/Sam conversation about that), er, don't omit important stuff? O_O

9. I was so sure Dean was calling Castiel with that cellphone, lol.

10. I felt very, very sad for the poor James Dean fanboy who got killed. :((((

11. Making this white because it's spoilers for the promo: is that wrong that the upcoming ep I'm more excited for is the old!Dean one? But all the others look so good! And Cas in the next looks good too. *cough*

12. Er, I think it's all I had this round.

supernatural season 5 review, vampire pornography s1 review

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