TWITTERIFIC post + that meme + stuff

Sep 13, 2009 23:41

1. Point 1 and 2 are what I'm now calling the proof that today is a good day.

@iansomerhalder1 Just finished working on VD scenes for tomorrow- very cool. Read new LOST ep 1 season 6- also very cool. Go to Hawaii Tues to shoot it

OMG THE LOST PREMIERE HAS BOONE! YESYESYESYESYES!!!!!!!!!!!!! *dies* I can't... I can't seriously believe he's back. And on the first episode. Uh. YESYESYES???????? I... and it'll be the day before VD. Oh dear. TWO TIMES in two days and one of those is Boone?

This girl is a happy camper. This girl is really a happy camper. This girl is a REALLY FREAKING HAPPY CAMPER. Thanks, Ian, for making my day a lot more awesome than it already was.

2. Point is, point 1 came and made the day more awesome, but it had already started awesome. Okay, now I'll probably pass for the seriously insane fangirl, but anyway. So, yesterday Chad Lindberg of SPN fame (I reiterate: Ash used to be my favorite character before he, er, died *sigh*) reaches 2000 followers on Twitter. I congratulate him on the achievement, then go to bed. Then I wake up and he has answered me and wished me an awesome weekend.

The actor playing my former favorite SPN character actually wished me an awesome weekend. How freaking cool is this guy? *____* Damn. I miss Ash like crazy. And I kinda wish he'd go to the con we'll have here *crosses fingers*. Because if he does... no but anyway, he tweeted back at me!! *is still ecstatic*

3. Okay, again with the caring is sharing meme...

For one week, recommend/share:
Day 1: a song
→ Day 2: a picture
Day 3: a book/ebook/fanfic
Day 4: a site
Day 5: a youtube clip
Day 6: a quote
Day 7: whatever tickles your fancy

Today's picture won't probably mean anything if you're not into Jersey people/music (I'm sure wandersfound is laughing her a** off now at my ridiculous Jersey love), but I found it while I was searching for one and it's like, all the best Jersey music/cinema can offer in one shot. The quality is kinda crap but...

I mean. JBJ, Southside Johnny, Danny De Vito, Little Steven AND Bruce?

Yeah, I'm a girl obsessed with people from NJ. No news.

4. Today I went to see Videocracy. My only reaction: I really want to emigrate. And that's all I'm saying for now on the matter. For now.

5. Blah. I need to start writing again. Last week between medieval idiotic philosophers and stuff I didn't manage to get a full sentence down and a) it feels weird b) knowing myself the more I make it last the more I'll be lazy and considering that I have 50000 words of two fics to write before October 31st, three Lost things I want to have as late luau stuff even if I'm seriously late at this point, the SPN/GO crossover of doom which is still not done at +20000 words and at least another three fics I really want to write... I should stop being lazy. St. Thomas Aquinas doesn't put you in the mood to write slash though. (not to mention, Medieval stuff in general will probably kill any porn muse you might have. I think it's that.) *sigh* I just hope that all the theology crap I have to study will turn helpful with SPN stuff someday. Right now? Bo-ring.

5b. SPN opinion about a thing which it'll probably take me ages to tackle and which will get probably screwed by canon in two weeks maximum so I don't even know, but... Sam/Jimmy -> yes/maybe/depends on how you handle it/WTF ARE YOU THINKING ABOUT? anyone? I probably won't ever write that thing but who knows.

6. Okay, I'll go answering stuff I should have answered two days ago and then I'll probably go reading some book which doesn't refer in any slightest way to God's intellect/free will, human intellect or anything concerning how Aristotle was really a Christian without knowing it. *roll eyes* *waves*

bruce springsteen, meme, lost, bon jovi, doubts of hamletic proportions, writing, politics, supernatural, dr badass i miss you, ian somerhalder, philosophy

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