the vampire pornography 1x01

Sep 11, 2009 09:30

Well, don't be surprised that I watched the vampire pornography first. It's just that I woke up at the crack of dawn and I had an appointment with lasamy for SPN, except that since I didn't wanna spoil myself... also, if I watched it after SPN I'd have probably compared it and it'd have been pro-SPN in any case.


2. That said....



OH MY FSM HIS PRETTINESS. HIS PRETTINEEESSSS. I... duh. The thirty minutes that took him to appear on screen? SO FUCKING WORTH IT OH MY. Oh dear. The smirk. The SNARK. The tiny little sarcastic smiles. The delivery. The haircut. THE LEATHER JACKET JESUS CHRIST ALMIGHTY. And he's so deliciously evil that my heart bursts in happiness. Oh myyyyyyy. AND THE FLIRTY SMILE AT THE END OHMYMYMYMYMYYYYYYYY.

His prettiness. Is. Back. On. My. Pc. OHDEARHISPRETTINESS I just can't function. I just... Iaaaan *__* gah. Oh how perfect he is for that part? A lot. Uh. A-lot. *flailflailflail*

2b. Goes unsaid that I'll be watching this thing. I-just-can't-not-do-it. GAH. *flail again*

3. Okay, objective talking: I'm reserving to see another ep. before I decide what I think about it exactly because apparently all the promos were from the pilot and turns out I had already seen a third of the episode in one way of another, but... it's way less bad than I had feared. I mean, shows that the director has watched his share of SPN but the pace was good, I was expecting all the sappy stuff/possibly cringe-worthy lines so I didn't exactly mind, the acting is overall not bad and thankfully no one sparkles. Even if the CGI didn't left me much impressed, but I guess it's a given with the CW?

4. So, Elena = not nearly as annoying as I feared (which is good) and the actress is pretty decent, so yay. I still think that whoever did the casting didn't realize that Ian and Paul Wesley don't look like brothers much, but while I still think that he's a less pretty version of John Mayer and I'm not exactly too impressed, he's way better when you watch an ep. than he seemed watching the promos. Which is actually GOOD because when you have three leads and you can't stand two it might become a problem, but I'm okay with them and overjoyed with His Prettiness, so...

5. Bonnie (lol I had totally written Boone instead) is nice, Caroline (?) is seriously grating on my nerves and I hope His Prettiness kills her soon, Elena's brother is meh (maybe I just couldn't bother with his storyline), the Matt guy is cute, Stefan's (and Damon's?) uncle is hothothot and I need to find out who he is and someone needs to say to anyone checking stuff that when Elena's parents appeared on the tv the ages were 24 and 27, which I believe cannot be the right ones. I mean, if she and her brother go to high school... whaaatever?

6. The plot is what it is but sincerely? Can't care less. I'm here for His Prettiness and I'm so sticking with this stuff. Oh dear. My hormones are bursting in happiness. *sigh*

7. Uh. I had decided this months ago, but if anyone who watches SPN is reading this, Dean/Damon crossover fic y/n/m?


Okay. Uh. Back to nursing my hormones and waiting for lasamy to get on Skype. Christ, I can't even check the FL but if I get spoiled for SPN ten minutes before I watch it I'll be very, very displeased. So, not checking the fl. *does not click*

PS: yes, the mood had to be THAT. See you in some hour and a half with the SPN review (I just don't want to smash them together).

the vampire thing gets its tag, ian somerhalder, vampire pornography s1 review

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