fic, Lost: The Best Laid Schemes Of Mice And Men Often Go Awry (Sawyer), PG13

Jul 09, 2009 18:52

Okay, I'm caught up with luau gifting (not reading, sadly), so I swear this is the last post of the kind you get for today. Sorry for spamming. Bless my day for being early..

Title: The Best Laid Schemes Of Mice And Men Often Go Awry
Rating: PG13 to be sure?
Characters: Sawyer, implied Sawyer/Juliet for the canon I needed
Words: 500 (or, me trying to do the multiple drabbles thing)
Spoilers: er, heavy for the S5 finale. And sort of for Of Mice And Men.
Summary: There's the thing with Jim LaFleur: Sawyer knows that it's just a fake name for his x-hundredth fake identity. The difference is that all of Sawyer's previous identities' purpose was destroying someone else's white picket fence, while this one could be the key for his own metaphorical one.
Disclaimer: Lost isn't mine and if Of Mice And Men was mine I'd be John Steinbeck and I'd have won a Nobel prize for literature. And for how much I wish it was the case, it isn't. ;)
A/N: (last late) fic for the gracious Queen elise_509 at lostsquee who wished for reasons to remind her of some Sawyer love. Er. This ended up being a mix between me explaining (sort of) S5 Sawyer (because I kinda didn't get him either) and between me loving way too much the bare fact that he likes Steinbeck. I just hope it makes some sense and that you like it! ♥ Also because I kinda haven't written from his POV in.. er, ages. Title stolen from the poem from which Steinbeck stole his title.

The only school essay that earned James Ford an A plus, in ninth grade, consisted in his first impressions upon reading Of Mice And Men.

In a nutshell, it said that every character in there dreamed of getting their version of the white picket fence, that the end stated without a doubt that only idiots (plain or metaphoric) never give up on it and that George was the most admirable character of them all because he was the only one who understood it fully and who embraced its futility.

Point is, one good grade doesn't stop you from dropping out.


Of Mice And Men remains Sawyer's favorite book; he reads it once each year, mostly because it's a perfect reminder of everything he has to remember. The only year he skips it, it's the one following the whole Cassidy fiasco; he re-reads it in prison and there it is, all on paper.

After all, that was the closest to the metaphorical white picket fence he ever got and see where he ended. Indeed, it's only for idiots, and wasn't he one. Whatever. He had thought he had understood it from before he changed his name. Looks like he was wrong.


There's the thing with Jim LaFleur: Sawyer knows that it's just a fake name for his x-hundredth fake identity. The difference is that all of Sawyer's previous identities' purpose was destroying someone else's white picket fence, while this one could be the key for his own metaphorical one.

It's not that he rationally doesn't realize that it just isn't him and that white picket fences are for idiots. It's that for the first time since he-can't-remember-when he wonders how would it feel to actually have it. The voice in his head saying con doesn't stop him from taking his chance.


Things with Juliet just happen. He doesn't search for it, she doesn't either; it's that too many people had left that island already and anyway, what good would it do to get away when in the real world they were barely out of second grade anyway?

Also, it's not like anyone is coming for them anytime soon.

Sometimes he remembers that line Ben quoted at him that day. A guy gets too lonely, and he gets sick. Maybe it's just as simple as that.

That little place you always wanted, George?

He just doesn't think about the way it ended.


It falls completely apart when Juliet throws at him that nonsense about Kate.

That's when the small voice saying con starts screaming again. It doesn't matter; what it matters it's that in his head there's a white picket fence stained in red and that it's all over. She's gone, everything is gone, reality tastes as bitter as the blood in his mouth since his fight with Jack and not a bit as sweet as their fine lie did.

George embraces how futile that idiotic dream was, he had written once. The second before everything turns white, he finally does, too.


luau fic, fanfiction:lost, character: james sawyer ford

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