memes just because + YAY STEVE EARLE + stuff

Jun 12, 2009 22:36

1. Exam #2 done *phew* now if only I didn't have another three to go one of which in a week... but whatever, I'll manage.

2. Meanwhile I'm taking tomorrow off. And finally catching up with fic, I hope.

3. That said, you know why Steve Earle is one of the most awesome beings on this planet? Because while I'm sure that his sales in this country are nil (or at least not far from that since regularly you can find just his first record and a greatest hits), he still tours here. Two dates for the new tour! And one is in Rome, still low price venue, and one that you can actually reach without taking a taxi! I'm so there, fuck yes. How awesome can he be? ♥

4. Shitload of memes because I need to distract myself, lol. This one tagged by velvetprose.

Using only song names from ONE ARTIST/BAND, cleverly answer these questions. Pass it on to 15 people whoever wants to. Try not to repeat a song title. It's a lot harder than you think.

Pick Your Artist:
Er. Uh. Difficult. Okay, I'll surprise you all and pick Warren Zevon.

Are you male or female?
A certain girl.

Describe yourself:
Looking for the next best thing.

How do you feel about yourself:
I'll sleep when I'm dead.

Describe where you currently live:
Transverse city.

If you could be anywhere, where would you be:

Your favorite form of transportation:
I need a truck.

Your best friend is:
Roland, the headless Thompson gunner (LOL, sorry, I couldn't resist).

Your favorite color is:
Ain't that pretty at all? (pink, of course)

What's the weather like:
Quite ugly one morning.

Favorite day:
The rest of the night.

If your life was a TV show, what would it be called:
I was in the house when the house burned down.

What is life to you:
Trouble waiting to happen.

What is the best advice you have to give:
Hit somebody! (LOL, sorry, too good again.)

If you could change your name, what would it be:
Suzie lightening (I mean, it's the only woman name he has in a song title apart from Jeannie, but I'm already a sorta Jeannie).

Your favorite food is:
Raspberry beret.

Thought for the Day:
Stand in the fire (er, okay, this one was thrown there but I couldn't find a fun one).

5. Book meme from wandersfound.

1) What author do you own the most books by?
Uh, Stephen King. How many exactly... uh. *stands up and goes to count* 30.

2) What book do you own the most copies of?
Er, I don't usually own more than one copy of one book. I guess the last three of the Dark Tower series since I have them in hardback and paperback.

3) What fictional character are you secretly in love with?
Secretly? Which doesn't mean Eddie Dean, right? Well, that one is barely a secret. Not going for the obvious ones I always say... uh. With the premise that I always get at least half a crush on one character if I read a book, I'll be a disgusting nerd and say Ivan from the Brothers Karamazov. It's more of I-don't-talk-about-it because I'm the only person I know who read that book, but I had it bad.

4) What book have you read more than any other?
The Diary of Anne Frank probably. My copy is so used up it's not even decent.

5) What was your favorite book when you were 10-years-old?
See point four. I think it was my favorite book until I was twelve or so.

6) What is the worst book you've read in the past year?
A book by an Italian writer which translated sounds like The Solitude of Prime Numbers or something. It one a very important award here and everyone was completely nuts about it, then I pick it up and... FSM, what crap. The story got old after three chapters and there wasn't a character I liked except for the protagonist's gay best friend who clearly didn't stand a chance.

7) What is the best book you've read in the past year?
If you count last year as June-from-last-year, The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay by Michael Chabon which is just every possible kind of awesome. This year... duh, probably Good Omens. Or Orwell's essays volume one. Or The Blind Assassin. Or Tropic of Cancer.

8) If you could tell everyone you know to read one book, what would it be?
1984. There's a lot of other stuff I could recommend but it's one of the handful of books I read in my life that completely made start to see the world in a whole other light and I'm very disappointed that in schools here you never get to study it. English or Italian, whatever.

9) What is the most difficult book you've ever read?
Uh, depends. I could say Moby Dick because it took me two years to read it but that was my fault for always stopping at one point and starting again, because when I really put my head into it I finished it in two weeks and it wasn't difficult at all and I loved it. Er, I don't know, probably the Brothers Karamazov. It's not stylistically difficult, but conceptually it's kind of a bitch when it wants to. Not that I didn't love it anyway.

10) Do you prefer the French or the Russians?
FRENCH. Sorry, nothing against the Russians and I like my Dostoevsky book each year, I like Puskin and I liked what Chekhov I read, but... DUMAS ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥, Stendhal, Baudelaire and so on? FRENCH all the way. Not to mention that French as a language slays me. It slays me.

11) Shakespeare, Milton or Chaucer?
Er. Shakespeare. -nod-

12) Austen Or Eliot?
I figure that it means George Eliot and not T.S. Eliot, right?

Well, I hate them both. I couldn't even finish The Mill On The Floss and I gave it up after 350 pages (and I think I threw it across the room at least twice) for how boring it was, but Jane Austen for me is evil. Because, sorry in advance to Austen fans who I think are a lot on my FL, she's insufferable. I can't stand one character in the three novels of hers I've read, my nonexistent feminist pride suddenly starts existing again whenever I think about Emma, she has that style which I know is supposed to be ironic and subtle but just gets on my nerves and I just wish I never spent most of my time when I did English literature in high school doing Jane Austen when there are a ton of more interesting people. Crap, my teacher used to make remarks about my Austen dislike, lol, and they weren't exactly nice. I can only agree with Mark Twain re Jane Austen.

13) What is the biggest or most embarrassing gap in your reading?
Er, I didn't read Tolstoy. I never attempted Proust, but I should. Or Thomas Mann or a lot of German authors I really should read.

14) What is your favorite novel?
1984 for the above reasons.

BUT, I need to mention The Three Musketeers. ♥ ♥

15) Play?
A Streetcar Named Desire.

16) Poem?
The Waste Land probably. Or if you want a shorter one, an Italian poem which translated would be Death will come and will have your eyes. Wait, it's the last on this page.

17) Essay?
Duh. Probably Why I Write by Orwell, or Shooting An Elephant, or Inside The Whale, or the one in defense of English food. Pick any Orwell and I'll be fine with it.

18) Short story?
Stephen King's The Body. Hell yes.

19) Non-fiction?
Er, oh crap, I read a lot of non-fiction. Is my collection of whatever is left of Epicurus' moral writings worth as non-fiction? Because uh, yes.

20) Graphic novel?
Watchmen, duh. Or the Sandman issues. Not that I read that many because they cost a freaking lot, but still.

21) Memoir?
Well, if you don't count Anne Frank because really, it wasn't even meant to be published, Before Night Falls by Reinaldo Arenas.

22) History?
Do they want historical fiction or non-fiction? Because while I usually am not one for stuff set in like, the Roman Empire, when I was fourteen or so I was completely into a series of books by I think Margaret Doody where there was Aristotles solving crimes in Athens and that's as far as I've gone. Non-fiction, probably a 600-hundred pages thing about the history of the United States which is probably the only one I actually own, too. My father is the one with the history books.

23) Mystery or noir?
If Sherlock Holmes counts, probably The Sign Of The Four. If not, Ten Little Indians.

24) Science fiction?
Slaughterhouse Five if you count it as sci-fi. Otherwise... The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy, OF COURSE.

25) Who is your favorite writer?
Uh. Orwell, Dumas, King, Steinbeck, Forster, Stendhal, Chabon, and Emily Bronte. If I had to pick one on purely objective/stylistic reasons, I'd probably pick Steinbeck or Stendhal, but I'm not objective and I'm about plot too.

26) Who is the most overrated writer alive today?
Er, if I say Stephanie Meyer I'm not original, am I? Or Anne Rice maybe.

27) What are you reading right now?
Uh, er, photocopies re Kant, but that probably doesn't count. Dumas' The Queen Margot and the last Hornby, even if who knows when I'm finishing either.

6. Okay. Lost possible spoilers so I won't say anything and just send you where I saw that video and whatever, but if this REALLY happens next year I'm SO FORGIVING THEM A LOT OF CRAP. I don't really hope much for it, after all Ian is on Vampire Diaries, but if he says that there's a chance that he's back at least once... seriously. Please. I need it to happen. Even if it'd be better if he just moved on for good probably, but my problem isn't only that I like His Prettiness too much, the problem is that I-miss-my-favorite-fucking-character. *hopes*

7. Misha Collins' awesomeness is without-any-fucking-limit. And I don't think I've ever fangirled so badly someone as crazy, but that's just too good of a thing really. I mean. Maybe I shouldn't want to know how he actually did it, but I trust the shining force of his awesomeness.

8. I think I'm really done for now. I'll be answering comments and then I'll probably crash somewhere. *waves*

meme, lost, the random post, books, steve earle, stuff, ian somerhalder, misha collins is too awesome for us, warren zevon

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