random blathering + vampire thing + stuff before I actually go to study

Jun 04, 2009 10:58

1. European elections in two days. And I don't even know who the hell are the candidates except for one. Also, I'll probably go voting with my head again and I probably will want to vent come Monday. Blah. If I think about how excited I was about voting when I still couldn't vote I feel like crap. :/

2. But, yesterday I went and just took my way-too-old copy of Norton antivirus out of the computer (I have another one anyway) and... er. It hadn't been so fast in... one year or so. It's way faster, it doesn't crash as much as before and it didn't take ten minutes to load, this morning. Duh. Had I known it before I'd have taken it off six months ago.


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You know. This one almost makes it look like a... I don't want to say good, but at least not-lame show. The preview made it look totally lame, the short trailer not so much, but this one actually makes it look nice. Or at least, it makes it seem like the girl can half-act and even if I'm still not sold on the good brother he looks way less out of place. Even if really, all I care about is His Prettiness smirking. Christ, I mean. This thing will be the death of me. Leather and smirking. Can I hope it gets at least two seasons?

Also, it made me LOL that in the comments someone noticed that it's the same high school where they shot the After School Special SPN episode. LOL. Like I wasn't crossovering this shit with SPN already as soon as it airs, lol. CW, CW, you really cut on the budget. Even though the idea that His Prettiness shoots on former SPN sets is somewhat alluring.

4. I finished Anansi Boys, which only confirmed my opinion that Neil Gaiman is too awesome for this world. Except that I think that I've read everything he has written except Stardust which I probably will skip because it's just not my thing. But still. This one was awesome.

5. I stand of my opinion. Everyone says that Heidegger is the greatest philosopher of this century because no-one ever understood a thing of what he meant except maybe Heidegger himself.

6. I finally managed to listen to Steve Earle's latest record and OMG!! ♥ Fine, it's all covers and I need to find the originals but OMG! It's SO good!! *draws hearts*

7. So, I should probably go buying groceries. Then go studying whatever Kant has to do with history of medicine. And then post fic from one of those two kink memes sometime this afternoon. And meanwhile trying to finish one fic that I intend to enter for the fix-it challenge at lostsquee. Or at least the first draft. Which means I'll be off after this incredibly interesting entry.

8. But, I'll leave you with this awesome thing that popped up some Bruce community last day.

Robert De Niro stole his famous "You talkin' to me?" Taxi Driver movie line from rock legend Bruce Springsteen. The line, which De Niro's character recites to himself in the 1976 Martin Scorsese movie, has become one of the most famous movie quotes of all time.

And the acting legend has confessed it was inspired by a trip to a Springsteen concert, while he was preparing for the role.
De Niro made the admission to Springsteen's bandmate Clarence Clemons - who coached the actor to play the saxophone for movie New York, New York. Clemons tells the New York Daily News, "(He) had been to one of our concerts and the audience was yelling out 'Bruce!' In those days, Bruce would stop onstage and say, 'You talkin' to me?' "De Niro was kind of channeling him."

I mean, it's not like Bruce didn't have an already divinity-like status with me, but this? I mean. ♥

neil gaiman, bruce springsteen, the vampire thing gets its tag, steve earle, writing, politics, ian somerhalder, philosophy

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