meme + random stuff

May 26, 2009 19:14

1. Bureaucracy is bad. I mean, in order to take photocopies from this book I need for this exam it takes me twenty minutes of filling forms and stuff just to have it for half an hour. I take it, I do the photocopies, after I return it I realize that I forgot two pages. Do they give it back to me for five seconds so that I can do them without all the mess?

Clearly not. *headdesk* Tomorrow, I guess.

2. Also, the university site lets me in at home, but from the university it says that my password is wrong. Which can't be because it's the same I have at home obviously, but... *headdesk*

3. BTW, Heidegger was an idiot. And I mean it. Even if the awesomeness of my new icon makes up for me having to deal with him and his belief that biology doesn't exist. Of course.

4. My PM is more of an idiot than Heidegger, though. And it takes quite some. But this isn't really the place and if I rant about him then I need a post and I have to go back to studying so not for now.

5. OTP meme which everyone is doing. And since I'm a sheep... ;) This one I took from hopelessfangirl.

Name your 15 absolutely favorite couples (het/slash/canon/fanon) and ask people to see what trends they notice about your couples. Try to pick different fandoms.

01. Roland/Eddie (The Dark Tower series)
02. Jack/Boone (Lost)
03. Athos/d'Artagnan (The Three Musketeers) [shut up, it's my OTP indeed ;)]
04. Maurice/Alec (Maurice)
05. Faramir/Eowyn (LOTR)
06. Dean/Sam and Dean/Castiel (Supernatural) [sorry, same place for these two. I like them both equally and I mean it. I can't put them separated, lol]
07. Ned/Chuck (Pushing Daisies)
08. Desmond/Sayid (Lost)
09. Tim/Jason (Friday Night Lights)
10. Eric/Tami (Friday Night Lights)
11. Jack/Juliet (Lost)
12. Nathan/Peter (Heroes) [shut up, they're Italian ;)]
13. Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens)
14. Jack/Sawyer (Lost)
15. Jack/Ennis (Brokeback Mountain)

Lost is kinda prominent but hey, there was stuff I couldn't leave out. And don't tell me that one of my trends is having people whose name starts with J. ;)

6. The Dean/Castiel kink meme is made of evil. I say, evil. I'm not supposed to write fic until Friday. Or I'm supposed to write the fic I owe, dammit. Clearly I have no force of will.

7. Also, I think I had an idea for a Good Omens/Supernatural crossover of doom. I had half of it written in my head while I was getting back from university but I need to think it out, especially because I have the first half but no freaking idea about the second.

8. That said, pointless entry done. I'll be on to studying and from tomorrow I'll be revising. Hoping that the university site/book lending both cooperate.

Also? Where did spring go? It's freaking HOT. It's like, August, except not.

rambling, meme, the random post, personal, university, philosophy, writing

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