*headdesk* aaaah well. Laptops are evil.

Apr 28, 2009 00:36

*sigh* Feel free to skip, this is just me headdesking.

So, thing is, I have two computers. The one I have at home, and the laptop, which is supposed to be like new even if it's an old model.

I've had the one at home since I was fifteen and these are not its better days. Mostly, it's not exactly slow but it tends to get stuck a lot of times and I can't open Photoshop and the internet at the same time, to say one. Which is also why I'm behind on PS stuff, but anyway. So, lately, since opening Word is becoming a pain too, I had just started to write fic directly on the laptop and then post it from the other one since I didn't really have to do much in Word. So today I finish the first draft of one thing which has been going on since two months and I was almost done with the other dreaded thing which I didn't like. So I open it this evening to write a couple of ficlets and revision the other one.

Suddenly it turns off on its own. I open it again and it says that it can't locate the operating system. And I don't even have the cd because it was from my mother's office and it didn't come with the package. I tried to make the thing work again for one hour but no luck. Which means, if the operating system is busted, I don't know if I can recover what was on there. Fine, I have most of what I had there on here too, but I still needed to pass those other two. *headdesk* That was not what I needed. *headdesk again* Ah well, tomorrow I'm asking at some computer shop near here but really, wft? I can't believe this one I'm using now had been working for six years and that one who was used once before I started using it in November is already gone once. Not what I needed and not on a Monday indeed. *sigh* I really need to start taking better care of this one.

personal, sigh, rant, wtf

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