Lost 5x08 LaFleur review

Mar 05, 2009 13:46

Oh God. I'm so freaking confused about this thing but I, uhm, liked it?


1. So... it's no mystery that I like hero!Sawyer. I'm easy, I buy everything. And ha, I bought it, easy that I am. I kinda loved him here. From putting his con skills at use to calling Daniel Plato, even if now since he's supposed to be Creole he needs to pull off some French on me. Yeah, why, that's the stuff I care about.

1b. Though now wtf, they could have done this before. I'd have used it in the Depression AU. Faking to be Creole, I mean. Whatever, back on the episode.

2. I still don't have an idea why Sawyer would trust Locke so much especially after The Brig, but whatever.

3. Also? His 70s cut is HIDEOUS. Either you don't straighten it or you cut it shorter. Thank you.

4. The shirt was totally from Josh Holloway's wardrobe, I tell ya.

5. I love the con he pulled. The Black Rock was totally a smart move, and aah, Horace, you do fall for that stuff. After all he lied for a living...

6. So the submarine was Dharma stuff? Interesting....

7. Also, three years being enough to get over someone? Famous last words indeed... how I wished they were true though. ;)

8. ALSO, HE HAD GLASSES ON FOR THE WHOLE EPISODE!!! THE GLASSES!! SAWYER AND THE GLASSES!!! *IZ DEAD* Why, doesn't everyone know that glasses!Sawyer = Janie's favorite Sawyer EVER?

(why the hell do you think that I like the comedy part of Deus Ex Machina so much?)

Team Dharma, these unknown people...

9. Uhm, wtf's up with Horace's wife? The other one I mean, but I can't remember the details right.

10. Also, since when Horace looks like the poor man's Mickey Rourke in The Wrestler?

11. OMG, JASON'S FRIEND HERC FROM FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS IZ IN DHARMA!!!! *cracks up* Or at least I think it was him. The one dancing with the girl in the beginning I mean.

12. Haaai young!Charlotte. Aw, poor Dan. He was so beaten up this episode.

13. I don't mind the Amy woman but not too fond of her either. Also, wtf, babies EVERY EPISODE? Geez, it almost makes me miss Do No Harm.... and yeah, I said it. Almost being the key word.

14. I love everyone driving the vans, lol.

Team Miles because he deserves it

15. I'm loving Miles so-freaking-fucking-much. Seriously, he's there just for the snark right now but what snark. He makes me crack up. Now that Sawyer is in full hero mode we need the snark replacement or what? Whatever, good for me.

Team wtf time travel

16. Aw, poor Daniel. I really wanted to squish him throughout this whole thing, poor baby. Also if... what the HELL was it that he said he wasn't gonna do in the beginning? Bzuh?

17. Also, THEY SHOW THE FOUR TOED STATUE... and it disappears three seconds later? *rolls eyes*


18. I didn't get all the terms of this truce thing but... well, sorry for being so blunt, but...

Richard, do me. Please.

Everything I need to say. I'm developing such a crush on Richard that it isn't funny. On him, on his blue shirt, on his eyelashes, on his stubble and on his hips. Geez, have you seen his HIPS? *dies*

19. Also, someone needs to write Richard/Sawyer just because. That was a lot of pretty. Also, one of my favorite scenes this episode indeed, I liked how it was done.

Team oh, Sawyer/Juliet, what do I have to do with you?

20. Okay. So, the point is... I like it but I rationally don't. In the sense that while I like them being together, I like that they seemed happy and that they were alright with each other I know that it'll get abysmally screwed up now that the O6 are back and I don't want it. *sigh*

21. That said, I'd have rather had some developing. I mean, three years later fine, but having them being kinda friends in the beginning (because that's what they were) and then jumping at one point when they're in domestic bliss and saying out loud that they loved each other (and fine, Jack told Kate in S3 and Sawyer kinda said it in 2 but he was delirious there and he surely didn't tell her and Kate didn't tell Jack in S3) is pretty big. I'd have rather wanted to see it. Which I'm afraid won't happen. But the point is that deep down I like it even if I know it doesn't mean any good considering which show are we watching. I mean, they said it. It isn't them just trying to forget Jack and Kate or moving on, it's them doing it while genuinely liking each other and while I'm all for it considering how they were screwed up, it's something I'd have rather seen building up.

22. Then again, there was Sawyer spooning dressed in white. Who am I to complain just about that?

23. Also, is Jin's Sawyer's relationship counselor? (I'm referring to the single flower since it was Jin's exclusive until now..)

24. Also, mechanic!Juliet was a surprise. What is it that this woman can't do?

25. Anyway, the Sawyer/Juliet stuff in the flashbacks was pretty good. I like them being friends. Even if she looks kind of too happy and didn't make much sense when she wanted to go back in 1974 but whaatever. Since when Lost makes sense with everything?

26. And aw, I loved Juliet smiling when the baby was born. And the Sawyer/Jin bonding outside.

27. BTW, baby can't be Ben. He'd be thirty years old now if he was and he wasn't born on the island, he was born on some side of a road in Portland or something.


28. Okay, not really in topic, but I love Jin. That said.

29. Aaawww at Hurley's face.

30. Jack's ten seconds were an explosion of PRETTY. And no one doesn't convince me that he and Sawyer weren't eye-fucking for that split second before Kate is back. *sigh*

31. And well... yeah. Kate is back too. Now we'll see. I sincerely dread what's to come.

32. WHY TWO WEEKS for the following one? That's so not funny. -nod-

33. BTW, I miss Des. And I miss Sayid. And I can't even decide they're involved in other activities because they aren't in the same place as last season. Faaail.

34. So, I liked it. I don't know what to make of it still. I just know I need to read Richard fic and that someone needs to fill the blanks with the Sawyer/Juliet deal. -nod-

lost season 5, lost, lost season 5 review

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