Meme from
isis2015 and
siluria, who accidentally gave me three coincident subjects. ;)
Comment to this post and I will give you 3-5 subjects/things I associate you with. Then post this in your LJ and elaborate on the subjects given.Considering also the ones which collided, my subjects are Boone, Bruce Springsteen, Italy, Jason Street, Desmond/Sayid, Clint
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Boone and Bruce make quite the couple. ;) And well, I'm one for long-term crushes. Clint isn't exactly the person I'd agree most with and compared to the liberals here, he's a red socialist. *sigh* And to each one her own I guess. ;)
Ha, I make my life out of plot devices. ;) Actually Boone was the plot device character so I guess it's my talent but while I think that they did a complete mess re how they ditched Desmond's other storyline (and I absolutely DID NOT like it at all and I still hope they do something tangible with it) I don't think they paired them there just because they were the only ones left. I'll admit that while I liked the idea before the freighter storyline, in S2/3 they weren't more than a random pairing, but since I had them there and it was like 'hey, canon -> chances to slash those two' I jumped on it and thinking it out they have a lot of stuff in common. I think they're a good match. And no one ever convinces me that the Kelvin thing isn't turning up sooner or later. I also failed to mention the whole mess of Des/Penny and Sayid working for Ben but hey, other connection. ;)
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