birthday + stuff

Feb 09, 2009 13:02

1. Uhm, if LJ notifications don't fail me, happy birthday to missy_useless!

I hope you have the best possible day and the best year of course. ♥ And if you'd like to prompt me with something I'll see to get to it sometime in the next two weeks or so, but I swear I'll try. ;) Happy birthday again!

2. At thequillstation there's a lovely Valentine's Week Challenge going on until the 14th! It's such a lovely idea, I can't wait to give it a try.

3. Daniel Faraday: only character who ends up not making you understand what you've written yourself. I'll try to make sense of it sometime this evening I guess.

4. I know I'm missing some comments I didn't reply to before the dreaded exam, but my Internet crashed a couple of times and I lost half of the tabs. I'll get there eventually, sorry for not having replied still.

5. A couple of awesome FSM things I caught while having a look at the site: FSM sign at a prop. 8 rally and wisest advice ever. That's totally awesome.

6. That'd be it for now.

sigh, the flying spaghetti monster, writing, birthday

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