uhm, I think I need to start keeping count..

Feb 04, 2009 15:01

1. Okay, so, today I was supposed to have the first exam of the term and yay, too many people so I'm tomorrow morning. I'd have rather used today to sleep it off and spend tomorrow doing nothing and then start studying for the next one on Friday but I guess I'll renounce the sleeping-today-off part. Clearly I'll be later than usual with Lost but still, at least I've managed to hear another exam and it looks better than I feared. I guess tomorrow I'll be less nervous which isn't a bad thing at all. Even if I could have used sleeping today off but whatever, after all it's common practice. Ah well, so it goes. I'll be having a couple cups of coffee and get back on it. *sigh*

2. Just for the lulz, Sugarland (-> country group which I only know because the singer made a duet on a Bon Jovi record ages ago and isn't actually that bad if you accept the premise that it's country music without any purpose to be more than entertaining) have a song on their last record called Steve Earle. Which is indeed about Steve Earle. I probably find it more amusing than it actually is but still.

3. I know I have some comments to catch up with. I'll be doing it tonight or tomorrow when point 1 is said and done.

4. Goes unsaid that I didn't watch Heroes, even if I have it downloaded. If it was Lost I'd have probably said who cares, but as things are right now I'll be catching up with it tomorrow or this weekend. Anyone who saw it could tell me how it was? Good, bad, downright bad, downright hilarious, back at S1 levels (I doubt it)? I know I'll be watching it eventually, but I avoided reviews and they looked decent, so...

5. Okay, getting back on studying. *sigh*

heroes, lol, the random post, personal, sigh, wtf

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