*is back* + the obligatory christmas post ;)

Nov 16, 2008 08:57

Miracle of miracles, the train was also early. Which actually meant less sleep, but it's not like I was sleeping in the first place. So I unpacked, SPN is downloading and I'll watch in half an hour, I'm caught up with the FL and I'm also almost done with The Wire S2 because I watched the second to last episode on the laptop yesterday and I only miss the finale. Did it take me much...

But anyway, on to serious business.

I still haven't decided whether to do the Christmas cards post or not because I like to make them personalized but my printer is kind of out of order this year, too, and while last year I managed anyway, this year I'm probably going to be busier than usual in December and I don't know if I'd be able to make it. I'll probably think about it some more, but meanwhile, especially if I asked you for a card and I end up not being able to do the cards business, I'm doing the same thing I did last year. So, I guess it all boils down to the Christmas gifts post of doom. So, what I can do:

- Fic: I guess that it'd probably be ficlets since I have the novel and the Lost Hohoho assignment on my hands, but I highly doubt I'd manage to keep the length in check. Anyway, prompt me with anything you'd like. With Lost, I'll take/try everything except Jack/Kate or Ben paired (Ben crack is fine). Regarding other fandoms, I can give Pushing Daisies a try, or FNL until S1 because I still haven't watched S3 and I doubt I could write S2. Also Heroes but considering how I am lately with that show maybe it wouldn't be a wise idea. I can do Supernatural without much problems (Dean/Sam or Dean/Castiel preferably, though I can't write het and I can't write J2, or at least I failed every time I tried). I can do pretty much anything Stephen King, Dark Tower series especially. And if there's something else you want that you know I like I'll give it a try.

- Graphics: anything but full layouts because I lose at coding. But icons/headers/lovebars/whatever are all fine with me. Any subject is fine as long as you give me pictures if I don't have them.

- Meta: I don't know whether some meta from yours truly could be anything useful at all, but I'm all up for it. Any subject I have some knowledge about would do I guess, fandom related or not.

Okay, that'd be pretty much all. And now I'll be off to watch SPN since the download is over.

christmas stuff

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