movie recs (lost!) + OTP meme

Oct 13, 2008 23:01

Yay for movie recs! I watched quite some the last two weeks, both in cinemas and on dvd. So, uhm, massive recs post? Click the cut for (probably not in this order) Glendarry Glen Ross, The Shop Around The Corner, Miracle At Sant'Anna, Entre Les Murs, Mamma Mia (yeah, yeah, that one too) and The Sensation of Sight.

Entre Les Murs was the winner at the last Cannes festival, so I was quite curious to see it. And it's a really good movie. It's a really good representation of a school year in a class of a school in the Paris banlieue and while it's fun and doesn't get heavy or try to find a moral, though it makes you really reflect.

The Sensation of Sight: of course the only good movie Ian Somerhalder makes is the only one that doesn't find a distributor and goes straight to dvd. Of course. But this is really, really good. Apart from my personal squee factor since my man has an important role, plays the guitar, looks gorgeous and delivers a good performance, it was kind of structured as a silent movie with captions and b/w flashbacks which I thought was a very original touch. David Strathairn, who was the lead, was also really good and while it didn't have much of a plot and I understood the supposed shocker way before they showed it, it was lovely to see how it developed characters and how much care it took with the structure. A really good one. Pity that it was straight to dvd.

The Shop Around The Corner: God. Good God. One of the BEST 30/40s comedies I ever, ever saw. James Stewart is great, when you have Lubitsch directing it's a sure bet and God, God, it's just so good. The plot is perfect, the humor is there and there isn't a dull moment, there are the supposed lovers bantering, the serious bits just get you teary, it's so emotional and the ending scene is worth it alone. I think they made a remake with Meg Ryan but this? So one of the best romantic comedies I ever saw.

Mamma Mia: I was supposed to go see Miracle At Sant'Anna with a friend, then we got the wrong hour and ended up seeing this. And I don't even like Abba. But the movie was kind of adorable, Meryl Streep is GOOD, Colin Firth as the gay ex-boyfriend whatever dancing in latex was worth it all and Pierce Brosnan can't carry a tune. Sort of. But hee, I liked it.

Glengarry Glen Ross: Well, well, well. Best cast in a movie ever? Because Jack Lemmon + Al Pacino + Kevin Spacey + Ed Harris + Alan Arkin + Alec Baldwin = can you fail? No. You see that it's from a play but God, it's the Nirvana of good acting. Baldwin was perfect even if I wanted to kill him there, Kevin Spacey was so really good, Al Pacino was terrific as usual but God, Jack Lemmon? The guy was an-hell-of-an-actor. One of his best performances (and I saw a lot of JL movies really) that kind of had me teary by the ending. Really, really excellent.

Miracle At Sant'Anna: Well, well, well. This one got a bunch of polemics here because it was supposedly anti-partisan and whatnot. Well, it wasn't. It was a hell of a freaking good movie. And let me tell you, all the Italian actors in there are the same faces of each, single decent movie that comes out here and I never saw them acting better. Really. The actors playing the black soldiers were also GREAT and apart from the horrible English of one really famous actor here whom I kinda like which managed to make me giggle at the ending (wrong reaction), there was some terrific acting really. I absolutely loved how it was shot, the plot didn't have a dull point for three hours, it wasn't partial to anyone (I mean, you got idiotic Americans, idiotic Germans and idiotic Italians so fair play I guess) and I kind of got teary by one point, followed by being completely disgusted at what a Nazi soldier did to a six-month old baby. I don't know what all the negative hype was here, but I loved it. So much really.

And the OTP meme, stolen from isis2015 and lenina20.

List ten quotes from ten of your OTPs. Your flist's job is to guess which of your OTPs said the quotes and from what movie/television show/book/etc. they are from.

1. - You fight like a man. See if you can drink like one.
- I'll drink anything you put in front of me.
- Famous last words... What should we drink to? Athos/d'Artagnan from The Three Musketeers, guessed by siluria

2. You saw me. You saved more than my fucking life. You saved my fucking soul. Roland/Eddie from The Dark Tower, guessed by marylou_gr and lasamy

3. - Stop with me. Sleep the night with me.
- I can't. I've got an engagement. Full business dinner. It's my job. Meet me another evening instead.
- I can't come to London again. My father and *** will be passing remarks.
- What does it matter if they do?
- What does your engagement matter? Maurice/Alec from Maurice, guessed by haldoor and reckess

4. - This is our best chance.
- There is no chance... really. I mean, look where we are.
- I'm not going to let you give up. Jack/Boone from Lost, guessed by elliotsmelliot, emiliglia and lenina20 (yeah. Right. I have to choose THIS quote. What the hell of a ship I have, indeed.)

5. Good morning. Desmond/Sayid from Lost, guessed by onlyechoes and elliotsmelliot

6. Man, that's so Brokeback. Tim/Jason from Friday Night Lights guessed by elliotsmelliot and lasamy

7. Do not scorn pity that is the gift of a gentle heart, ***! But I do not offer you my pity. For you are a lady high and valiant and have yourself won renown that shall not be forgotten; and you are a lady beautiful, I deem, beyond even the words of the ***-tongue to tell. And I love you. Once I pitied your sorrow. But now, were you sorrowless, without fear or any lack, were you the blissful Queen of ***, still I would love you. ***, do you not love me? Faramir/Eowyn from LOTR, guessed by sparrowlove and falafel_musings and thespiansparkle

8. So what's the plan, Sundance? Jack/Sawyer from Lost, guessed by emiliglia and elliotsmelliot and lasamy (woah, I thought it was the most obscure I could find! ;) )

9. I just thought my world would be a better place if you were in it. Ned/Chuck from Pushing Daisies, guessed by sparrowlove

10. - I'm not leaving you, ***. There's another way to end this, and you know it.
- I can't let you die.
- And I can't let everyone else. Nathan/Peter from Heroes, guessed by onlyechoes because I can have one wrong ship.

So woah, I had to take an effort to have at least two het quotes ;)

meme, movie recs, movies

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