It being reading King books at unholy hours. Because I made four AM again even when being perfectly conscious that Duma Key is no book that should keep me up until four AM. And American Gods was a whole other kind of read (and better than this one for sure) but well, not really complaining.
So, uhm, first time in centuries: my favorite character DOESN'T DIE! Guess I can't tell you who was if I don't want to spoil, but yay!! He didn't die!
... shit, now you know he was a he ;)
Seriously, overall I liked it but I still think that he hasn't realized he's better at non-horror stories. I mean, this one was... like, a good chunk of horror clichés (twin dead sisters, ghost ships, talking dolls, missing limbs and whatever) which after all felt fresh because you don't find them usually together and so at least it felt new. The writing was also very good and at usual, he was excellent with the character development. Especially since at the beginning I found the protagonist mostly unlikeable and then grew to like him better quite some. Well, the fact that all the main characters were all more or less impaired was interesting and he did really pull it off with some delicacy.
Probably the fact that said protagonist quoted Springsteen and listened to GNR helped me liking him, but anyway. The whole supernatural part of the matter was.. well, either you take it for good and enjoy it for what it is or you don't and then you can leave it be. Though really, I know he must have a kick for it, but I'm sick of dead five-year-old twin girls. *sigh*
Also, he's a cheater. Him and his tenses. Won't spoil why, but he's a cheater. *sigh*
Mh, I can only quote some review in the backcover. It's a first class beach read, stressing on beach read. Because while King never scares me, reading it on a beach would have been a better idea than reading it in your bed at 3 AM with rain pouring down. Guess he knows his job ;) though I still think he should leave horror. Or do as he did in Lisey's Story. That was good. Like, really good.
So, no new Stand or anything but damnit, even if I knew that it was the usual King standard when he's in his good horror shape, it still made me read it until 4 AM. Guess there has to be a reason, right? He can do worse, he can do better and at least this time he didn't even kill my favorite guy which makes me definitely better disposed. So uhm, yeah, that's it. And I need to stop reading stuff at 4 AM anyway.
Well, he still manages to draw me in.