mh, WTF anyone?
1. Not enough Nathan. Not really enough Nathan *shakes head and sulks* Though what was, was good. Definitely the highlight of the episode for what I'm concerned -nods-. I think I might just like to read the bible if he reads it to me out loud.
2. Mmmh, this season Peter is definitely better than the last one. Not that he's back into my early S1 good graces, but definitely better than 2.
3. Sorry but Claire just isn't doing the trick for me this season. Not really. Her mom is better and Sandra is better than her mom. And hey, the hell is Mr Muggles?
4. I don't know what to make of the superspeed woman. The heck does she mean? Apart from making the Batman/Robin jokes because Hiro and Ando aren't gay enough for each other already.
5. Mh, Hiro, you can still be adorable when you want to.
6. Ha, I thought that the Tracy woman could have been Nikki's twin or whatever like five minutes before they told it. But anyway, didn't Nikki die in a fire? Woah, that's a very nice body for someone supposed to have been burnt alive.
7. Micah is just adorable. I usually hate kids on tv shows but I just want to squish him. Really.
8. The Haitian is back and that's good.
9. Thankfully no Maya.
10. Mh, I think there's a guy that was in The Wire. Or at least in the pictures I saw for the third season (and I need to finish that. God, I really do). Well, I checked on IMDB and he was.
11. HRG is still using his brain, which definitely makes me GLAD. A lot.
12. Sylar: sorry but I don't buy this story. I mean, Angela was already creepy enough but now she's even creepier, this Sylar-is-a-Petrelli thing doesn't really convince me much and then, I mean, the guy is a creep who kills people and eats brains. He's a fucking psycho serial killer and has been until now and sorry but I do NOT buy that he's coming to the good side or whatever it is. I don't care for Sylar much, but apart from pleasing fangirls by making him wear a suit I don't know what's this story's purpose. And if HRG doesn't trust him, it just shows that he's got sense. Meh.
14. While I do like Matt's storyline. The African guy is way cool (and he's like Isaac! Oh, Isaac *misses the pretty*), I really do like the character and hey, he ate that paste exactly like Locke did in Further Instructions! Right, guess he won't see Boone but that just earns points with me.
15. So uhm, decent episode. Don't know if better or same level as the last two. Way too little Nathan for my tastes and well, also way too little Matt at this point, since I guess it's the only storyline I kinda like (well, I'd hate Nathan's if it wasn't him ;) ).
16. But God, Adrian Pasdar with that suit? Enough to keep me on board. God, I really am hopeless.
And that'd be it.