My religion is the best religion EVER.

Sep 30, 2008 11:01

So, yesterday I was having a look around the Flying Spaghetti Monster website and there was this absolute gem.

Last Friday - Talk Like a Pirate Day - the Central Arkansas Pastafarians interrupted and caused the discontinuation of a Westboro Baptist Church hate-demonstration.
Westboro Baptist Church is best known for picketing funeral processions of soldiers killed in the Iraq War, but they hate everyone who doesn’t share their literal interpretation of the Bible.

What do you do to make a bunch of soulless nutcases abandon their post at the Convention Center? Send in the pirates!

Yep, the cuckoo Phelps hate group walked the plank this morning after a happy bunch dressed like pirates and holding signs saying "God hates shrimp -- Leviticus" and "God hates cotton-polyester blends" stood opposite them at the corner of Markham and Scott streets. The group, made up of Central Arkansas Pastafarians, waved swords and growled "Arrghh!" in a manner that would have made Abbie Hoffman proud.

With cars honking and waving at the pirates and a TV crew giving them all the attention, the Phelps group -- with a child in tow, sadly -- picked up their "fag" epithets and went away. Pitiful.

How freaking awesome is it? Now that's the real deal.

i have a religion and i love it, the flying spaghetti monster

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