this makes me ridiculously amused and makes me wish I had 30000 dollars.

Sep 08, 2008 11:18

So this morning I open my FL and this pops up.


Unlike his Republican opponent, Democrat Barack Obama is still raising money for his presidential campaign, and he turned Friday to rock legend Jon Bon Jovi for help.

Bon Jovi and his wife, Dorothea, hosted more than 100 people for dinner on their mansion lawn by the Navesink River in Middletown, N.J. The price was $30,800 a person, to be divided between the Obama campaign and the Democratic National Committee.

"When I look at Barack, I see an old man," Bon Jovi said in introducing his guest. Obama is 47, Bon Jovi is 46.

Obama spoke for about eight minutes before greeting guests individually. He vowed to fight Republican attacks on his character and background more fiercely than John Kerry did in his losing campaign four years ago.

"We're not going to be bullied, we're not going to be smeared, we're not going to be lied about," Obama said. "I don't believe in coming in second."

Earlier in the evening, Obama attended a $2,300-per-person reception at the nearby home of veteran party fundraiser Phil Murphy. About 200 people, including the Bon Jovis and New Jersey Gov. Jon Corzine, attended.

Republican nominee John McCain can raise no more campaign money because he accepted about $84 million in public funding and the restrictions that go with it. Obama turned down the public funding, figuring he can raise and spend more on his own.

Why does the idea of Barack Obama being at my favorite singer's house for his fundraiser make me so really amused? Not that I didn't know that he was a Democrat, I mean, he supported Gore and Kerry before so no news, but it's the idea that he did the thing on his lawn that I can't imagine. Now if it turns out that Springsteen was at the 30000 dollars one I'll definitely be even more amused.

lol, bon jovi, omg

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