Title: Return of the Grievous Angel
Rating: R
Pairing: Sawyer/Sayid
Word Count: 3400
Disclaimer: Sure, because if Lost was mine everyone would grow wings.
Summary: What’s more astonishing isn’t the fact that Sawyer actually grew wings. It’s that Sayid is the only one that can touch them.
Spoilers: Set in mid-late S1, more or less around Numbers or
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Comments 16
I really love the visuals - the big, white/gray wings spreading at Sayid's touch, the way they move and flutter. The description of the pain and violence and blood when they emerged is great too, as is the way Sawyer & Sayid are cradled by the wings when they fuck.
Wow, I'm so glad I asked for wingfic! I honestly didn't think I'd get any. This is just wonderful and has made me SO happy! Thank you, hon!
It's great to hear you liked the visuals here, I was really trying to get those right here. You're welcome and thanks so much, I'm so flattered right now it's not even funny ;)
And HEY! You're using the mood theme already, YAY!
Sure I am! And I'm completely loving it *sighs happily*!
And you know, I really have never been able to read and enjoy slash involving Sawyer. But this was just so wonderful, you just might have hooked me on Sawyer/Sayid, too. You're just that good!
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