So here you get my kind of not objective review of Steve Earle's concert yesterday evening. Pics, a sort of video, much blathering.
Thankfully finding the place wasn't actually too hard, giving that it wasn't even in the city. It was in a fraction of a fraction about 10kms outside the actual city limits. But anyway, I managed to get there in time without too much trouble, except that I was there too early and had to wait one hour in some sort of entrance of the place.
Which was actually really nice, the stage was good, since I was there early I managed to get a front row seat and even if he started at about ten in the evening there was his lovely wife playing for an half an hour before.
By the way, I'm not too big on female voices with a five or six people exception, but she was really good. She's got a lovely voice, she also sung a Patti Smith cover so even better, she looks lovely and very pretty and well, she's quite good. I also bought her cd, not that I'd have ever found it here otherwise. Here she is:
So, she does her set and then since I had spotted him in the background watching her (lol they're such sweethearts) I was all excited and cursing at all the people that instead of staying put went to get beer. Because the place had its own beer and it looked also good, but I didn't take any. Most of all because I hadn't eaten anything and it wouldn't have been wise but whatever, not the point.
Now, I'm going to list exactly everything because his Dj there who had some bases for the last album's songs which I guess couldn't be done acoustic gave me a setlist. With handwritten notes on. There were more than one but I decided to think he wrote the notes lol. Makes it better ;)
Scary thing of the whole concert: I knew 95% of the songs even when I didn't remember the title. Listening only to the same person randomly for a month does the trick. But anyway.
He started out with Steve's Last Ramble which is a lovely song indeed, then he goes and deals blow #1. Because he managed to play all of the songs I have stolen titles from for fics except for one. and he played Devil's Right Hand. *sighs* clearly I was gushing like nothing else. And I managed to film a bit of it, though not all since my camera has a shitty memory. *takes note to buy another one soon*
Click to view
Anyway, that's it.
Then he completely killed me because you can't do My Old Friend The Blues, Someday, Now She's Gone and Goodbye in one setting. The last one especially killed me. He was just so good at singing that and it's such a beautiful song. *sighs* Then he went with Tom Ames Prayer, South Nashville Blues and Billy Austin. And -> ♥. Seriously.
Then he started with the last record and OMG. First he goes with Tennessee Blues and Jericho Road which I love and then Oxycontin Blues. Which, case of destiny, I had ficced exactly the day before.
How awesome was that? I think the guy next to me was creeped out by the fact that I knew that one better than the others. Guess why..
Then he played me a sort of twisted version of Trascendental Blues and I was already in my musical paradise because that song makes kind of terrible (in good sense) effects on me. Oh, and of course after that he plays Sparkle and Shine aka one of the best songs of his ever.
And then his wife came out and they had a great set. First they sang their duet on the record, Days Aren't Long Enough, which is just beautiful. Then they played Down Here Below which has to be my absolute favorite from the last record. And then City of Immigrants which was a lot of fun. All the time they were looking at each other and smiling and they were just so cute! They also kissed a couple of times. Adorable.
Then he plays one I didn't know, then he comes and starts playing randomly kind in front of me, then I got the pattern and I wanted to die there and then because he did Galway Girl aka my first song of his. Clearly I kind of sung it all in his face though I kept my tone veeeery low. I'm no good at singing, no. It was kind of awesome. I wasn't hoping for that and yet... *sighs* God Galway Girl. I so freaking love that song.
Anyway, then he goes with Steve's Hammer which is a kind of very lefty song inspired by the old days when Pete Seeger sang If I Had A Hammer and well, at that point he asked the public to sing and we were all singing about hammers and unions and stuff and then the guy next to me which was the only one not singing goes asking me the hour. I mean... whatever.
Then he went with another one from his record and the Tom Waits cover that I think he played on The Wire (which I guess I seriously need to check out). Then it was over and he came back for the bis, when everyone kind of stood up and I was even nearer.
^ that near.
So, I wasn't actually hoping for my second favorite song of his ever but he did it. Jerusalem was and if I wasn't over heels right then I don't know when else I should've been. And then he outdid my hopes and played John Walker's Blues, which kind of everyone knew and it was just great. I wasn't hoping for that either and it was a veeery pleasant surprise. Then he played Hard Core Troubadour and Copperhead Road for the joy of one guy behind me who had been screaming for it since the bis began and then it was over and it was like the best concert ever if I hadn't seen Springsteen.
And returning I took a taxi because there wasn't another way but damn if it was worth it.
Some more random pics:
In the end, great damn concert. I had a great time and as soon as he's back I'm flying there.
And I'll probably do a massive sharing Earle post in the next couple of days. Bear with me, I'm obsessed.
Mr. Earle, you own. Seriously. ♥