Are we going all the WTF road, aren't we? Anyway.
Dear Locke,
maybe we'll start to understand each other again. Maybe.
Dear Team Awesome,
thanks for existing.
Before starting with the serious review, allow me a sort of small rant, k?
Okay, I didn't have many high hopes but I was hoping for a Locke episode in order to have some Boone showing up and nada
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*Sigh* what ever happened to the Desmond gave a shit about Charlie's sacrifice and the groups rescue?
Screw Claire and her bad wig (and her demented abandoning of Aaron). I wanted Desmond back on the island for some Des/Faraday Team Constant Dness! I actually think Desmond might get off the island now(he wouldn't be classed as an 06 and I think Michael is coffin guy). But he'll get back just as Penny goes into hiding. What is the betting Widmore has her hidden on the island?
I hope Boone shows up for you again. If not I'll do my best with him in my fic.
LOL well if Vincent was the one behind everything I wouldn't really be surprised. Well, where the hell is Vincent would be an interesting question.
I think the poor guy is totally desperate to get off. But I don't think he is. If he got off it'd be just.. Sawyer and Locke on the island apart from drugged!Claire and ghosts and whatever and IDK but if by not going back to the island it turns up he won't be able to leave that'd be some sort of irony. But there are some spoiler pics with his double on the beach so IDK really.
*Sigh* what ever happened to the Desmond gave a shit about Charlie's sacrifice and the groups rescue?*sighs* If they gave him three minutes of screentime without running around or rescuing or people killing around... I wonder how much they sacrificed because of the strike. But I'm not liking it. Guess with a three hour finale they could do us the favor. I hope at least. I also think that Mike is in the coffin ( ... )
Well, at least 'The Constant' was great even if they've shafted Desmond for the rest of S4. Well, if he gets off the island there's chances for a Team Awesome reunion and Charlie hauntings. If he stays on the island there's chances for Des interactions with constant!Faraday or your boy Sawyer. If Desmond gets airtime in S5 occasionally that is.
Claire is on drugs? Can Charlie come back and lecture her for it?
Well, at least 'The Constant' was great even if they've shafted Desmond for the rest of S4.
Agreed. That episode was just so good. I just hope he's up to something more in the finale. And that he gets screen time in 5, but if Widmore is in for the long haul I guess he will. Either way I'm fine, as long as he and Sayid live.
Sam has every right to be confused! Though at least his master boyfriend doesn't confuse him that much, I hope ;)
Sadly Mr Frodo causes Sam a lot of heartache and confusion, but all he needs to do is give him a little smile and a shoulder squeeze and Sam will melt in those pretty blue eyes. Sam still loves their h/c angst, don't worry...though he is missing his old mate Merry in this years Lost.
.though he is missing his old mate Merry in this years Lost.
Now people in Middle Earth watching Lost would make the most awesome crack ever.
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