Apr 25, 2008 10:02
Good way to start your national holiday day.
You know, I was spoiled for both Nadia and Alex. LUCKILY.
1. Now, was this meant to make me like Ben? Or think he's the good guy? Because well, problem is, it didn't work. He and Locke seems to have switched personalities or WTF and sincerely, I still prefer Locke with everything that it brings. Sorry, didn't work. He just isn't the kind of villain that works for me.
2. OH SAYID. I knew it. I mean, that Nadia was dead. And well, that was the best possible way to recruit him, I reckon. But Ben's smile after he turned? I totally think he's behind it. I think that Sayid is being royally mindfucked. *hugs him* Though... erm... sure, he was in love with Nadia, but did the writers forget that Shannon existed once? *argh*
3. So Benry is Indiana Jones revisited. Not cool. Harrison Ford was better.
4. So Widmore said the island was HIS?? WTF??
5. So, Ben said to Sayid your friend Desmond. Sorry. I just burst up giggling. Sure.
6. Regarding that, I don't think that they're ever killing Penny. I mean, it sounded like they wanted to do the shocker (and it worked because I was totally WTF??), but it isn't ever going to happen IMHO. Why? (and why I hope it doesn't?)
a) If Ben himself was to kill her, they'd probably use it as the Redemption Moment. I'd hate it, but I could see them doing it if they want Ben to be the good guy.
b) I personally think that Ben isn't one that would get his hands dirty like that. I mean, he did it with Locke but there he was totally jealous. If he ever sent Sayid to kill Penny, well, Sayid isn't ever going to kill Desmond's girlfriend. No way.
c) If they actually do kill her, Desmond is toast. And if Desmond is toast.... well, get the consequences.
BTW, no Desmond? SAD. *sigh*
7) So Widmore has nightmares and relies on McClutcheon's or how it was called? Oh well..
8) So the doc is alive there?!! Meh, I hope Des and Sayid are having a nice time, until it lasts.
9) No Desmond -> LOSE.
10) Oh Jack. Please let Juliet take care of you. *hugs*
11) Bernard Nadler > EVERYONE. Seriously. He wins.
12) Oooh. So Daniel knew, huh?
13) The doc had his throat slain and he's alive on the freighter? Bzuh? *gives up*
14) Can Charlotte change her expression?
15) Kate -> nothing to do, huh? *shrugs* She's flirting shamelessly with Jack, though.
16) Now. If there was a death uncalled for, that was Alex. Shit, good way to toast one of the most interesting storylines they had (Danielle/Alex). Now. Sorry if I always end up on this route, feel free to skip. I've been watching even when my favorite character was the first to bite it and I guess I'd take Des and/or Sayid biting it to make me give up entirely so I'll keep on watching but that? It was way to brutal. Like, good, let's kill off everyone who we can't bother to write a good storyline for! *rolls eyes* I mean, I was already fed up for Danielle but after 8, it just didn't surprise me. And being spoiled was good. I'd have been much more enraged otherwise.
17) Sawyer DID something! And he was totally awesome. Being all heroic and nice with Hurley and all. Oh, I love him.
18) Miles has brains.
19) Looocke....... can I has your Walkabout self back, please? You actually weren't that bad here (I was fed up with Ben too much to take notice) but man, I really used to like you once. Even after, you know. WHERE ARE YOU? Can you just go and eat some paste please? Yeah, I'm in a bad Boone phase lately. *argh*
20) Hurley is a savior or something.
21) Claire remembers who Charlie is??!! *iz shocked*
22) Was Steve with team Locke? Iz he back with Scott now? Sorry, that's all I can think about regarding redshirts.
23) So Ben controls the smoke monster. Mmmh.
24) Thankfully Keamy is GONE. One death I'm totally NOT sorry about. Shit, Alex.
25) Were Ben and Widmore sweethearts once? I mean, it totally seemed like they knew each other from waaaaaaaay back. Now, that'd be even more disgusting than Christian/Cooper.
26) So Ben can't go back to the island?
27) And why the hell could he do what Desmond couldn't, anyway? I think he's totally lying on how he got back.
28) He asked the girl at the hotel for the date. Guess there's some good time warp in there.
29) How the hell was he in the Tunisia Desert like that anyway? Teleportation? O__O or WTF??
30) I was sad for the two Arab guys anyway.
31) So Sayid lived in California? Iiinteresting.
32) I need a transcript of the Ben/Widmore conversation. I think I had a couple more intelligent ideas while listening to it but I totally forgot them.
meh. If they just didn't kill Alex... and anyway, good way to die hearing that. Ben, if you wanted to save her, that was the worst way ever.
Oh wtf, that really was too much. *sighs*
The only good thing out of this is that it was excellent fodder for a Des/Sayid bunny of doom I had yesterday at a lecture. Which doesn't include killing Penny, thankfully.
*sighs again*
i don't trust benjamin linus,
lost season 4,