(no subject)

May 31, 2005 17:15

wednesday night
saw monster-in-law with danielle, then had a nice roommate dinner out.

slept in. walked around with matt all day dropping off his resume. 3pm drinks at newgate.

was a complete bum all day. finally visited grandma around 8:30pm. went out with chirag and co around 1:30. something about boys who start tabs at town tavern...

ran into lize on the train home. picked my parents up from the airport. got my rejection letter from barnard. cried myself to sleep on the futon at like 8pm.

stayed on the futon all day. parents were still fawning over me, which was nice. finally went out to wegmans around 10pm for sushi and hair products, did some laundry, and watched how to lose a guy in ten days over and over and over.

woke up around 5am when mom came down to watch tv. plotted out the remainder of my rochester career. slept on and off until 10:30. grocery shopped, packed the car, and got dropped off at the apartment. reread the girls' guide. ate lots of hummus and deli turkey. started reading the rules, on the phone with olga.

woke up early. read in bed. got ready for my voice lesson, which was ok, but i'm not sure if i want to make it a regular thing or try another coach. finally reunited with ht. on my way out right now to meet jill at republic for dinner, then hopefully seeing bear post-apartment hunting.

tomorrow is my first day of work, which i will obviously have to celebrate afterwards. thursday is movie night (drop me a line if you're interested), friday i'm seeing emily for the first time in over three years, saturday and sunday i'm in connecticut at bear's grad party and visiting robyn, and monday night al and i are doing trivia night, no excuses.
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