five acts meme - round four

May 09, 2011 12:08


Like I needed more fic to write but I'm never passing on this meme whenever it happens.

+ Post a list of your five favorite acts/kinks to read about. Check out this list if you need some inspiration. At the bottom, add what fandoms/pairings you're interested in.
+ Read other people's lists; the master list of lists is here.
+ Post comment-fic based off of other people's interests.

Or, the always two/three that never get switched and some new entries!

1) crossdressing: or, bulletproof kink never gets switched. Mostly favorite when it's men wearing female clothes (or underwear) but I'll really take anything, any degree.

2) consensual d/s: other bulletproof kink that will never not be on the list I fear. Give me some fully/entirely consensual d/s and I'll love you forever. I don't care if it's some 24/7 thing or not, I don't care if it's sexual or not. As long as it's consensual I'll be a happy camper.

3) hurt/comfort: or, it wasn't here last round, but considering what's happening in half of my fandoms right now it's back into swing. Go crazy with it. If you want to add PDA or anything of the kind, go wild.

4) books: alright, most definitely not your proper sexual kink, but heck, I used music in the first round. Give me characters reading books, characters discussing books, any given character showing that he's smarter than he looks like, heck, give me AUs where given character owns a book shop or is a writer or an editor or whatever. Or where someone finds their chosen partner particularly sexy while reading (maybe with glasses?). Or literature-inspired things (fusions are awesome). Basically if it's even remotely linked to a book I'm happy forever.

5) kissing: oh well damn, let's just go for a good, old nice one. It doesn't have to lead to sex - I just want people kissing. Making out like teenagers, butterfly kissing, slow, hard, on the forehead, temple, just make them kiss.

Lost: Jack/Boone, Desmond/Sayid, Jack/Sawyer, Boone/Charlie, any combination of Jack/Sawyer/Sayid/Boone, Desmond/Penny, Jack/Juliet, Daniel/Desmond, Richard/Miles, Frank/anyone and Jacob/Richard are my favorites, but I'm of open views. I'm not too big on Jack/Kate, Sawyer/Kate or Sawyer/Juliet (and on Locke and Ben shipped), but if it's set after the finale I'm okay with first and third.
Supernatural: Dean/Castiel, Dean/Sam/Castiel, Dean/Sam, Sam/Castiel (yeah, I totally have imagination), Ash/Andy, Ash/Pamela, actually Ash/everyone, Dean/Jimmy, Castiel/Jimmy (hell, Dean/Cas/Jimmy is totally awesome too). Chuck/Becky, as long as he isn't God. Though, if Bobby/Crowley strikes your fancy... well, why not XD also Castiel/Balthazar and Dean/Castiel/Balthazar.
The Dark Tower series: Roland/Eddie (I could give a kidney for Roland/Eddie, actually. *hints*), Cuthbert/Alain, Roland/Eddie/Susannah.
Good Omens: Crowley/Aziraphale, Newt/Anathema if you're feeling bold.
Chuck: Chuck/Bryce, Ellie/Awesome, Jeffster. Platonic or not, as you want. XD
Hawaii 5-0: Steve/Danny.
Deadwood: Jane/Joanie, Sol/Trixie.
The Three Musketeers (still hopeless but I try!): Athos/d'Artagnan, Porthos/Aramis, Rochefort/Richelieu (come on, OTP!). Also friendship and not-slash is awesome.
The Vampire porn Diaries: Damon/Alaric, Damon/any male character that isn't Jeremy or Tyler, Damon/John/Alaric and any combination thereof. Damon/Stefan/Alaric would be kinda awesome, too. Then, Damon/Stefan, Tyler/Caroline, Jeremy/Tyler, Jeremy/Bonnie, Stefan/Elena/Damon, Tyler/Caroline/Matt, Stefan/Elena.
Inception: Arthur/Eames, Cobb/Saito, Arthur/Cobb.
Sherlock: Lestrade/anyone except Moriarty though Lestrade/Sherlock is preferred.
Leverage: Parker/Hardison, Parker/Sophie, Eliot/Hardison, Eliot/Parker/Hardison.
Firefly: Zoe/Wash, Mal/Simon.
Six Feet Under: David/Keith, Nate/Brenda.
Friday Night Lighs: Tim/Jason, possibly set before S2.
Watchmen: Daniel/Rorschach.
Maurice: Maurice/Alec.

1. Lost, Kevin/Sawyer, dating, pg13 for toestastegood
2. Supernatural, Balthazar & Castiel & Dean, age regression, pg13 for bittersweet_fic
3. Oryx and Crake, Jimmy/Crake, shotgunning, pg13 for xarixian
4. Supernatural, Dean/Cas, protectiveness/touching/schmoop extravaganza, pg13 for ciaimpala
5. SPN, Cas/Dean/Balthazar, near death + happy endings, pg13, for hitlikehammers
6. Lost/SPN, Bobby + Frank + Sam + Dean/Cas, bonding + outsider pov, pg13, for joyyjpg
7. SPN, Dean/Castiel, kink acceptance + light d/s, R, for janice_lester
8. SPN, Dean/Castiel, wall slamming + strenght + kissing, R, for cs_whitewolf
9. the vampire porn diaries, Damon/Alaric, slow dancing and cooking, pg13, for ozmissage
10. SPN, Castiel/Balthazar, power exchange, rimming, nc17, for zelda_zee
11. SPN, Sam/Balthazar and Dean/Castiel, bodyguard AU/attention/protectiveness, PG13 for of_red_clouds
12. the vampire porn diaries, Damon & Alaric, forgiveness
SPN, Dean/Castiel, Au [film noir], nc17 for sycophantastic
14. SPN, Dean/Castiel, Star Wars extravaganza where they have lightsaber fights at ComicCon, light R for ienablu

1. Lost, Boone/Charlie, books by toestastegood
2. Supernatural, Dean/Sam, crossdressing + kissing by bittersweet_fic
3. Dark Tower series, Roland/Eddie, books by primarycolors92
4. SPN, Dean/Sam, books by xarixian
5. vampire diaries, Damon/Alaric/Stefan, kissing + hc + d/s by ozmissage
6. Sherlock, Sherlock/Lestrade, books by marysutherland
7. SPN, Ash/Atropos, h/c by ienablu

five acts exchange, meme, writing

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