july 2008
So, I've been lazy with following the weekly geeks but
week 9's one was participating in a challenge, and it just so happens there's a challenge I wanted to join.
The July Book Blowout challenge was just to read more books in july: "The rules are simple - read as many books as you can between July 1 and 31 - and then by August 7 post a list of all of the books you read on your blog. Reviews are not required to take part."
So far this year I've read only 34 books. I think around this time last year I was at around 60. In June I read 7 books which was pretty good compared to the piddly 3 I read in May. So for July my goal is to read at least 7. Maybe this isn't such a good idea since it is the month before my wedding, but falalala, let's try.
By the way, my favorite book of June was Wicked Game by Jeri Smith Ready. I recommend it.
Originally posted on