Dec 21, 2010 22:27

The family cat Fluff (as seen in the icon) has been missing since Sunday evening. Considering that he's 19 years old, and practically a bone bag- my mother has determined that he's likely expired. DAMMIT! This is not the Christmas present I wanted to have! So, of the three cats I grew up with, there's now a sole survivor. Both the males have gone to the big sunbeam in the sky, and left us bereft of fuzzy faces, rough tongues washing our noses, and voices that never seemed to jive with their body size.

Tiger was a male tabby, and had a deep gravely voice. Fluff on the other hand was a Maine Coon, he resembled a low flying cloud of hair and fattiness, but he had a voice like a tiny kitten. He was a stray who adopted our family, and he taught the other two how to hunt, and he would come when you called him- as though he was a dog. And though smart enough to pick us to live with, Fluff was about as dumb as a bag of hammers. Seriously, you could look into his eyes and see the back of his head. He was made of fluff and sweetness, and now he's gone.

Tonight I'm gonna squeeze Gus extra tight, because Gus is to me what Fluff has been to the family. I saw him Sunday evening, and scratched his head. At least I got that, which is more than I got with Tiger or Mindy. I miss you buddy.

;_; I think I'm gonna go cry now.
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