I think it's safe to say that if you read here with any regularity you realize how bad things have gotten lately. I also think you also might have some inkling into how lonely and abandoned I've been feeling by you gentle readers. There have been those who speak to me and encourage and help (perhaps not on LJ but in other ways). You guys have been better than gold, especially since this wretchedness seems to have no end.
The rest of you... well, I've been prouder of people in general. To be honest, I don't foresee things getting better any time soon. It's with this in mind that I'm instituting a purge of my friends list. If we have nothing in common, if you never let me know that you care about me, if for all intents and purposes behave as if I no longer exist...then well, it shouldn't bother you to get the axe.
A preliminary sweep has been made, and more will probably follow in the days and weeks to come. I'd say sorry, but breakin' up is always hard to do, and I'm doing this for me. I'm taking care of me, and protecting me from people who are completely indifferent when I expose my frailties. It's fine...well, that's a lie but really what else am I suppose to say?
So, ciao people and thanks for....well...who knows what. To the rest of you who care and don't mind letting me know so, you guys are to be (a)commended and (b)probably pitied as well. *hugs and extra large ice cream sundaes to you peeps* Hopefully in the next few weeks things will begin to crawl out of the poo swamp.