Things have been way rough I'm sure you've gathered if you read with any regularity. However, I can't begin to say how great it is to have my kitties greet me as soon as I come home. I love love love my hairy four legged kids. I love them so much I've decided to shower you hapless folks with pictures of their cuteness. Cute I say!
Oh, but first- yesterday I noticed a humming bird hovering round the porch. The only feeder I had was for regular birds, and sadly it was empty. Double fail sad face :( So, last night I scurried to Walmart and fixed that as fast as possible. Now I've got a feeder and yummy koolaid smelling bird food. Of course I haven't seen any takers today. However, I remain undeterred for now.
The buffet is open...any takers?
Now onto the kittehs!
Well, she was there all sleepy and sluky and just begging to have someone take a picture of her!
Of course she got her furry nose out of joint that I was documenting her secret cat goin's on. She was equally unimpressed when I caught her spying on the neighborhood.
Something else I couldn't help but document is my other cat Gus. He's definitely one of those "special" cats who won't be winning any talent show awards. From the first night he stayed with me Gus decided the striped pirate blanket was his! Every time he's around it there's suckling and kneading and purring oh God the purring! Kid has one set of purring muscles on him. It's like he's got a diesel motor this boy! And to that end I give you... The Suckler!
I find that I kinda fail at kitty vidiography. Less than half a second after this one cut off I had a purring cat in my face. Gus apparently is in love with the camera. Like head bumping in love. So, we pick up where our heros left off
So yes, those are my babies. Aren't they adorable. Oh, and while I'm at it I feel the people on my friends list should be aware of! I found a web site that has been a veritable life saver in the midst of this poo storm of a week.
Hyperbole & a Half is made of pure uncut undiluted EPIC! You should check out her site...she's famous. I knew this girl was a kindred spirit when I saw this picture.
Why yes that is a self-portrait of the authoress (Allie Brosh) wearing a hockey mask! She's that hardcore, YO! Seriously I'm gonna make a 10X13 of this and hang it from my office door! I laughed so hard I cried and cried. My cats thought I was possessed, oh how they love me so. So there you go- pictures and goodness and moar pictures. ^_^