Dec 31, 2009 17:42
Well, we're on the last day of the decade (it sounds strange to me too). I suppose this means a re-cap is in order. Only, how do you recap an entire decade? At the ending of the last one, I was preparing to leave for college. I didn't really know much about cosplay or anime. I'd had my first boyfriend. I didn't realize how much I didn't know. I didn't realize how much the responsibility hurts! Now, ten years later... I've graduated college, had a number of failed relationships under my belt (one a broken engagement). I've moved more times than my achy body likes to recall. I've realized that a woman of my age might actually be too old to cosplay. I'm now the proud mommy of two kitties. I've fulfilled the goal and dream of living in my own place. Of holding my head above water on its own. Even if only just barely.
There are so many things left undone. So many dreams not realized yet. I had imagined that I would be married by now. Might even be a mother of two legged children (not just four). But, as my mother has continued to tell me it's my journey, and that I must take it at my own speed. So, for better or worse, I am not getting married anytime soon. Though if we have to look for silver linings at least I have a wedding dress already bought. ¬_¬ Yeah, it doesn't comfort me much right now either. Perhaps later.
Anyway, to pick up where my earlier post left off... Obviously Christmas is over by this time. It was a stressful holiday, just on its own. Don't even try to tell me Christmas isn't a stressful holiday. I stayed Christmas Eve at my apartment with my kitties. Because you know if I'd gone she would have come down tinkle sick. Because that's just how the universe likes to screw with me.
I went to my Grandmother's nursing home, and it was rather sad to eat the smushy food and smell the old people bitterness. Just knowing that a place like that will ultimately be my fate made it even worse. Nothing like a trip to the nursing home at Christmas time to raise your holiday spirit! *facepalm* Thankfully I got mainly money this year. Since moving is always expensive. Plus, the new kitty's vet bill won't be free.
The move went on as planned. Thankfully we had good weather and though cold it was sunny. Nearly everything was moved in that first day, and we even got the kitties over that night. It was a quick unpacking. I'm 98% unpacked. Now I just need to put the stuff up on the walls. It's nice to have the bed put together, just like it's nice to have cable/internet. Now if I could just get the wireless router situation figured out it would be great.
Speaking of the new kitty, he's been named. His name is Guss, short for Asparagus. He's going to see the good people of Emancipet. They do vet care for cheap. Thankfully!! Gus is going in for sterilization, shots, parasite clearing, micro-chipping, and so on. The poor boy has no idea what's coming. But he's my baby now and it has to be done.
So, here at the end of this year it seems that so much has been accomplished with only more to go. I need to find a washer/dryer and speak to my dentist about getting some work done on my teeth. My damaged tooth (which has been slowly dying) is flaring up...again. It hurts like an absolute bitch and nothing's killing the pain. Unfortunately I'll wind up needing a root canal and a bridge. It's gonna cost an arm and a leg, but considering that I'm contemplating yanking the tooth out myself, it's gonna be worth it in the end. At least, I hope so!! Ouch!