We heart Janiah! (Jessica wrote this subject :))

Apr 28, 2006 22:56

moredetails fixed it for me so I can give you links to see the pictures of Sahara Rayne. I can't get my photobucket to work for some reason here at the hospital's wireless. So, thank you Jessica. You have been awesome for relaying messages here and now doing this for me to get pics up! :) You rock!!!

I will definitely be writing about my labor experience (behind a cut so guys and anyone else who might be uncomfortable won't have to read it) but not tonight. hehe

Sahara is doing awesome... she ate a little this morning (nursed for about 20 minutes) and then they took her to the nursery to sleep and let me sleep... I got her back at 3:30 and she wouldn't eat again still... she didn't eat until 7:30, but then she ate 30 minutes one side, took a 30 minute break, ate 30 minutes other side, another 30 minute break, and then went back to the first side for an additional 30 minutes. lol

Thank you for all the congrats in msg's and texts and email and everything... I had a really full inbox tonight. Yay fun!!!

Since Sahara is sleeping in the nursery now and ate lots, I think I'll sleep while I can. Love ya's and will keep updating as I can. :)

[Note from Jessica/moredetails: Doesn't Janiah look
gorgeous in these pictures?! (Janiah better not erase this note!)]
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