(no subject)

Feb 13, 2007 23:05

Okay, so I got 4 Hungarian CDs today in the mail, which I’ll be reviewing most likely in the next couple of days. ^__^
First up is the resident Hungarian sicko-squad, Watch My Dying and their 2004 album Klausztrofónia (that’s „Claustrophonia” to the English readers xD)!

Randomly let’s begin with the inevitable, the grading of the album: it’s awesome! xD …no, but seriously, it is. It has a constant quality, feeling and atmosphere throughout; with songs whose parts can be recognized easily but don’t stand out too much, so they make a perfect whole. The vocalist Gaobr’s lyrics are the most beautiful, grotesque, poetic and surreal
that I have EVER read, in metal music at least. WMD’s albums always give you the full picture if you sit down (no matter hard that might be among such bangin’ music) and read through the lyrics while listening. Never have I felt actual uneasiness, anxiety and madness until listening to this disc and studying the lyrics. They can really get into your head, with all their abstract imagery. It’s like if you were thrown into Dalí’s world, with musical background and lyrical suggestions made by Cenobytes. Yeah, kinda like that. xD

Onto the individual songs! (note: I’d like to include lyrical content from each song; since it’s all in Hungarian you’ll have to rely on my pitiful translating skills aswell given in brackets, lol) XDDD …Oh, and I won’t review the music, just give you samples of lyrics, bwahahaha. xD
BTW The music is kinda futuristic surreal technical dark/death metal with alternative elements thrown in here and there (industrial noises, synth, piano, strings, accordion lol xD).

1. Idomtalan (Unshapely)

„aztán magamra drótozok egy cafat
hétfő reggeli felhőszakadást
rajtam marad, amíg kitart
az a néhány ócska kábeldarab”
(then I’ll wire onto myself a tatter of
monday morning cloud-burst
it will stay on me till those few
measly cabel pieces hold)

2. Carbon

„kalapácsláb a haranghorizonton
minden léptem csendítés
túlvisszhangzik a városon is, míg
egyensúlyra lelek peremén”
(mallet on the bell-horizon
my every step is a tanging
it echoes even beyond the city, till
I find equilibrium on its edge)

3. Klausztrofónia (Claustrophonia)

„és most fényes szobákról álmodom
ahol lesz párnája a szendergésnek
asztala a vasárnapnak
hagyd, hogy merjem hinni
kérlek, süss fel nap, fényes nap
a bárányok megfagynak”
(and now I dream of shiny rooms
where a pillow of slumber will be
a table of Sunday will be
let me dare believe it
please, rise up sun, shiny sun
the lambs perish by cold)
(note: last two lines are part of a Hungarian nursery rhyme)

4. Nullpont (Zero Point)

„ez a hét tényleg sosem ér véget, pedig
ez is pont olyan, mint a többi
de itt maradt egy pillanat
amikor át fogok majd jönni”
(indeed, this week will never end, even though
it is just like the rest
but a moment stayed here
when I’ll come through)

5. Horizont 16:9 (Horizon 16:9)

„izzadtság folyt a betört számlapon
a bifokális üveghegyen túl
a távolság talán nem rövidül
éppen olyan örök, akár a blues
nem muszáj tovább vonszolnod
értsd meg, helyettem úgysem tudod
megérinteni a horizontot
megérteni a hívó szót”
(sweat flowed on the broken dial
beyond the bifocal glass mountain
perhaps the distance isn’t closing in
it’s just as eternal as the blues
you don’t have to drag me further
understand this, instead of me you cannot
touch the horizon
understand the calling)

6-7. Technika angyala (Angel of Technology)

„még kisebb árrést ígért
nem hallottam még jobbat
ingyen tömjénmintát szórt
míg Kafkán gondolkoztam”
(he promised even smaller price margin
I hadn’t heard a better thing
he sprinkled free samples of incense
while I was thinking about Kafka)

8. Túladagolt idő (Overdosed Time)

„húznak a vonók a csigolyákon
a feszesre hangolt idegeken
a lehetségesnél még gyorsabban
míg haszontalanra nem öregedem”
(the bows pull me on the vertebrae
on the nerves tuned-up tight
even faster than possible
till I age helpless)

9. Nicht vor dem kind

„ipari szörnyeteghangdaganatok lepték el
a lüktető, eleven, nedvzöld csodahippirétet”
(industrial monstersoundtumors have infested
the throbbing vivid sap-green wonderhippiefield)

(note: excuse me while I laugh myself to death. XDDDDDD)

10. Gyúlékony csíra (Flammable Seed)

„csak lobban, aztán csillámokat ad
az utolsó kis lehulló cseppbe
hullámot gyűrűz a panel hátán
némaságba öltöztetve”
(it just flickers, then yields talc
into the last little falling drop
it rings waves on the back of the panel
clothed in silence)

11. B-terv (Plan B)

„nincs híd semerre, mind elégett
nem kell ne kérdezd
nem volt B-terv”
(there’s no bridge anywhere, they all burnt away
no, you don’t need to ask
there wasn’t a plan B)

12. Nyers hát (Raw Back)

„nyílnak a rögök, léptet az eke
szorgalmas verset karistol
minden rímel mindennel
ha elég mély, nem lesz több hamis sor
betöretlen lóról
betört karámajtóról
fojtogató porról
lélegzetnyi alkonyról”
(the lumps open, pacing with the plough
it scrapes a laborious poem
everything rhymes with everything
once it’s deep enough, there won’t be any more off-key lines
of unsuppled horses
of smashed hurdle-doors
of stifling dust
of a breath of twilight)

(note: this is absolutely my favourite song on here, as musically, as lyrically; maybe I’ll do a full write-up/translation some other day)

13. Kék ég, zöld fű (Blue Sky, Green Grass) (note: lyrics in their entirety)

„egy másik formában ott jártam Nálad
mikor öregen és ráncosan feküdtél
láttalak, amikor eszedbe jutott
hogy ezt az oldalt olvastad már valaha
amit ebben az ügyetlen percben írok
talán arra gondoltál, hogy a kapcsok
összezárultak és a párhuzamosok mégis
találkoznak a végtelenben
körben ott vannak a válaszok mind
csak kérdezni kellett megtanulni”
(I’ve been to You in another form
when you lied there old and wrinkled
I saw when you remembered
that you had read this page sometime before
this, that I’m writing in this clumsy minute
maybe you were thinking that the buckles
had closed, and the parallels meet
in the infinite after all
the answers are all there in circle
you just had to learn how to ask)

Well, that’s it for Gaobr’s lyrics-samples, and my awful translatin’ skillz. xD
I hope you had as much fun reading them as I had writing them down.

As a goodbye present for tonight: I’ll try to embed a WMD youtube link. (hope it works this time, lol) xD


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