Hello, Livejournal.
I thought of just making a new blog altogether but I'm very likely not going to update it regularly, so might as well have all my entries all in one blog. I kind of miss this site and how it used to be.
I haven't been doing any exciting this month or even the previous month. The closest to excitement would have to be Rurouni Kenshin's live action movie finally coming to an end and got to watch it on the theaters. Kind of sad…?
I live for my quiet days.
I probably shared my 2014 goal on twitter but if you didn't know - make a short story. It's already October and have yet to finish it. I planned it all in my head but the hardest part is finally typing it down to reality. It isn't even a novel!
To make up for the procrastination, I bought some magnetic poetry kits! It's pretty awesome. You create something out of the words you are given. It is an easy way to create a line or poem out of something that inspired in me. I wanted these kits for years now but only managed to order them in a cheaper way (free shipping!) recently. I created an Instagram account for it: @wordstrings
I have yet to create a long poem out of those kits but I'll make it happen.
That's it for now, I guess. I promise this is not my last LiveJournal entry this year.
With love,