Jan 04, 2020 12:16
I woke with a cold on Jan 1st. The other side of the world is a raging inferno and the US have just declared WW3 ... So far it's all looking great. :/
I strongly suspect I've been harbouring the cold virus for some time and my freezing cold walk from Wolverton to Stony Stratford at 1am NYE/NYday allowed the nasty little monsters to take hold. However surprisingly, I had no hint of a hangover and my day started with a wander around the Stony Classic car event and brunch of a savoury crepe in The French Affaire... All in all, a good start to the new year.
10 years ago I was in a whole different place. I had 2 teenage kids just taking exams and another about to join secondary education. I was (in my opinion) happily married, fit & healthy and saw no reason why any of that would ever change.
2010 I became a granny for the 2nd time
2011 saw me embark on a degree path
2012 saw us celebrate 10 years of marriage with a trip to Paris.
2013 we moved house, he started a business (these were life goals of his) However, there were some unpleasant family issues which even now, we're still tiptoeing around. My health also took a turn for the worst and this affected a great deal. Mentally, I couldn't get over the intrusion and I felt like an alien in my own body.
I don't remember 2014
2015 my eldest son got married
2016 Chris left and my mental health deteriorated further
2017 I graduated. I found work and sought help for my mental issues.
2018 I changed job and finalised the divorce. Hugh started at Uni
2019 I changed job again and although I am still not meeting all financial requirements, I love what I do.
so moving forward....
I don't really make resolutions anymore. I would like to think that over the next decade I could find some peace and contentment. I'd like the people around me to be happy and successful. I'd like to be comfortable in my own skin. I'd like to be happy, healthy, loved and have enough money to get by on.