Feb 02, 2006 02:07
WOW! I lose guys... not for any real reason... I just lose...
There is still a chance for me to get a job at Kalidescope... Tristian told me to call Pam on Friday, which makes me happy in my heartspace!
I also think I have found a car!!!! Which is extremely exciting! HUZZAH!!! It's a little Honda Civic... maybe early 90s... brown. The only thing is... it doesn't have an air conditioner... which could be fixed I would suppose...
I am trying to suceed and be good with this whole wieght watchers thing... but I'm always hungry feeling now... maybe it just takes some getting unsed to... I don't know... maybe I'm always ment to be the fat one... my paints DO feel looser... and I'm feeling a lot more happy about myself... when I'm not hungry...
I'm going to try out the OTC gym tomorrow... I'm really excited... TREDMILL STYLE!
I went to the Seether and Shinedown show the other night... it was alright... I have a lot more respect for those two bands... however the first band, Halestorm, was HORIBLE!!! The second band, Flyleaf, was AMAZING!!! They sounded like a more rock version of Coheed and Cambria... it was quite rad!
Well that's really all I have to report on... OH WAIT!!!
F-ing BJ's voice mail is someone playing The Sweater Song and singing "If you want to leave BJ a message" and crap... I WANT A COOL VOICE MAIL!!! Fucking BJ!
That is all...