My poem

Apr 08, 2005 18:06

So, I've decided to start writing poems about people I hate rather than just bitching to everyone about how much I hate them. I will start with Daniel.

This is what I did Wednesday during astronomy...


No hope, no future, no promise has he
No girlfriend, no friends, and disgusting to me
Though at one time I took pity
And befriended this shitty
Excuse for a man
I no longer sympathize
With his rediculous lies
And someday soon
I hope he dies
The cause for this change
In these thoughts of mine
Came about when stupid daniel
Crossed the line
We worked all night, resting not
To finish our beloved Corndog mascot
And being the massive fuck up
That stupid daniel be
He delivered our beautiful Corndog
To the hands of the enemy
A 300 pound Mother Fucker
Crushed it like a trucker
And now our corndog's short life is ended
He's quite beyond being mended
And if anyone ever saw stupid daniel sleeping in his bed
They should go about punching his stupid head
Until stupid daniel lays still and dead

So today I failed my Mesoamerican Archeaology test miserably... The first test he gave was only over the notes, right, and usually tests of the same professor are pretty alike, right? So I memorize my 17 pages of notes. Like seriously, they're memorized. You can ask me anything from them and I can explain it. So yeah I'm pretty confident at the test, and I get through the first page, then flip to the second. And every single question after the first page is an arbitrary, random question from the reading assignments he gives (incredibly boring 30 page archeology research papers). I read all of them... but I had NO clue as to like, any of these questions. And they're no multiple choice questions, they're like "What 4 things did Jesus say in his paper "This Paper is Miserably Shitty" about households in Teotihuacan?" So I nearly started crying as I made up as much stuff as I could on that page. The next page is two more questions from the readings. Then there were 2 short answers which I definitely aced because they were actual things from the notes that I'd memorized. So yeah... 17 pages of notes memorized for a totaly of like 5 questions. Fucking rediculous. At the end of the year when we do professor reviews I plan on telling him he's a motherfucking asshole who's lectures make me want to shoot myself in the face and who's reading assignments are the most boring shit I've ever read.

The rest of the week was pretty good. Tuesday night I spent reading all of book IV from Lord of the Rings for a quiz on Wednesday (aced), Wednesday night I spent writing a paper on Cinderella due Thursday (mostlikely aced), Thursday night I spent finishing my massive linguistics assignment and then studying for this stupid test, and today I failed it miserably. So... besides the miserable test, it's been good and I feel like I've gotten a lot accomplished and today we're going to Houston. Yay.
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